Method 1 – Select Contiguous Cells in Excel Without Dragging Case 1.1 – Use the Mouse and Shift Key STEPS: Select cell B4. Press and hold the Shift key and click cell B8. This will select the range B4:B8. Read More: How to Select Cells in Excel Using Keyboard Case 1.2 – Apply ...
Method 1 – Combining RAND, INDEX, and RANK.EQ Functions to Select Random Cells in Excel Steps: Create two new columns with the headings Random Value and Random Cells. Use the following formula in the first cell under the Random Value column. =RAND() Press Enter, and the cell will show...
In Figure 1-7, the selected range is referred to as B6:C9 ("B6 to C9"). Method To select a range of cells in Excel: Mouse method Select the first cell of the desired range. Drag the mouse pointer through the range of cells you wish to include. or Press and hold Shift, and ...
In Excel, you can select cell contents of one or more cells, rows and columns. Note:If a worksheet has been protected, you might not be able to select cells or their contents on a worksheet. Select one or more cells To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse b...
There is no change in selecting the cells or range of cells in Excel. The process of selecting the cells is the same and is shown below: For contiguous cells, select the cell from where you want to create your selection and After that, press and hold the “Shift” button from the keyb...
2. Then apply this feature by clickingKutools>Select>Select Unlocked Cells, and all of the cells which are unlocked have been selected as following screenshots shown: Demo: Select all unlocked cells in a range of cells Kutools for Excel: Over 300 handy tools at your fingertips! Enjoy permanent...
The process for selecting multiple cells, rows, and columns is the same in Google Sheets as it is in Excel. You can only select one cell at a time in Google Sheets by typing a single cell address in the name box. It does not accept multiple cell addresses. You can, however, type in...
The bottom part of the window shows all cells where the searched value appears. Select one line in the found cells, pressCTRL + Aon the keyboard to select all cells, and clickClose. As a result, all cells containingMichaelare selected (B7, C3, and D4). ...
To select only visible cells, press Alt+; (semi-colon). For more info, seeSelect specific cells or ranges. Tip:To select a row or column to the end of data, select the first cell and pressCtrl+Shift+Right ArroworCtrl+Shift+Down Arrow. If a row or column has blank cells, repeat pr...
Select Visible Cells using a Keyboard Shortcut The easiest way to select visible cells in Excel is by using the following keyboard shortcut: For windows:ALT + ;(hold the ALT key and then press the semicolon key) For Mac:Cmd+Shift+Z ...