When you want to select all in Emacs, the goal is to mark a “region” that you want to select. In this case, the region is the entire text in your buffer. For instance, if you want to cut/delete all the text inside your buffer, selecting it all is the easiest option instead of...
(when (functionp 'pop-select/transparent-set-all-frame) (pop-select/transparent-set-all-frame 220)) [有bug不建议使用!]设置文字不透明,背景透明。由于实现的限制,该功能打开时会使Emacs置顶,当设置为255即不透明时取消置顶 (pop-select/transparent-set-background ALPHA R G B) ;; ALPHA范围0-255,...
Selectrum is a better solution for incremental narrowing in Emacs, replacing Helm, Ivy, and Ido. What is it? Installation Usage Alternative 1: Prescient Alternative 2: Orderless User guide Keybindings Sorting and filtering Additional features Customization Complementary extensions But what is it doi...
普通文件:如文本文件、C语言元代码、SHELL脚本、二进制的可执行文件等,可用cat、less、more、vi、emacs来察看内容,用mv来改名。 目录文件:包括文件名、子目录名及其指针。它是LINUX储存文件名的唯一地方,可用l... Enterprise Library 4.1 学习笔记( 三)加密模块 ...
可以用 ALL 或 ANY 关键字修改引入子查询的比较运算符。SOME 是与 ANY 等效的 ISO 标准。 通过修改的比较运算符引入的子查询返回零个值或多个值的列表,并且可以包括 GROUP BY 或 HAVING 子句。这些子查询可以用 EXISTS 重新表述。 SELECT Name FROM Product ...
Apple is now offering an onsite repair option for customers in select cities who need issues with their Apple devices addressed but aren't able...
I'm barely proficient in Elisp, but eager to help :) dchenbecker pushed a commit to dchenbecker/emacs-slack that referenced this issue Mar 24, 2021 Add flag to default to filtering archived channels … 19f7001 dchenbecker mentioned this issue Mar 24, 2021 Add flag to default to ...
Press the AceJump shortcut forLine Mode(Ctrl+Shift+;by default), to target the beginning, first non-whitespace, and last character of every line in the editor). Then jump to one by completing the tag. Press the AceJump shortcut, followed by→to target the last,←to target the first, ...