Emacs allows you to select all the text inside your buffer for different operations. Whether you want to copy or cut the text inside the buffer, this post has presented two methods to select all the contents inside your buffer by marking the region. Lastly, we provided three operations on w...
If all you want to do is use Emacs like a text editor, you can skip this section entirely! But you’ll be missing out on some great stuff. In this section, we’ll go over key Emacs terms; how to select, cut, copy, and paste text; how to select, cut, copy, and paste text (...
(defun select-all () "Select the whole buffer." (interactive) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; Mark current position and push it into the mark ring. (push-mark-command nil nil) (goto-char (point-max)) (message "ok.")) (provide 'select-all) (autoload 'select-all "select-all" "Select...
(setq-default interprogram-cut-function 'x-select-text); ; default ;;在执行yank 操作时,会检查interprogram-paste-function 变量 所指向的函数 ;;是否有返回值,如果有的话就将其yank在buffer 中,否则的话才会从kill-ring中取值 ;;而x-cut-buffer-or-selection-value 和x-select-text函数一样, ;;也会...
Wählen Sie allen auwählbaren Inhalt aus Command-A selectall Fügen Sie die nächste Zeile unten in die Auswahl ein Shift-Down | Control-Shift-N selectdown Fügen Sie die nächste Stelle links in die Auswahl ein Shift-Left | Control-Shift-B selectleft Fügen Sie den Rest der...
Emacs, the extensibletext editor, is more than 45 years old. It is older than virtually all operating systems people use today, almost as old as the first UNIX system. During the decades of development, the world's brightest hackers have contributed their intelligence and creativity. Together ...
The kill operation is analogous to “cut”, and “yank” is analogous to “paste”. But before you start the copy / cut / paste operations, you need to, first, select a region of text. This section of text is known as the `region`. ...
(setq-default interprogram-cut-function 'x-select-text); ;default;;在执行yank 操作时,会检查interprogram-paste-function 变量 所指向的函数;;是否有返回值,如果有的话就将其yank在buffer 中,否则的话才会从kill-ring中取值;;而x-cut-buffer-or-selection-value 和x-select-text函数一样,;;也会根据x-se...
Select the text in the pdf (mouse required for this unfortunately) UseC-c C-a hto highlight it yellow Type some notes in the annotation buffer that pops up and useC-c C-cto complete the annotation. Other useful annotations areC-c C-a tand then mouse click to add a text note somewhere...
Company is a text completion framework for Emacs. The name stands for “complete anything”. Completion will start automatically after you type a few letters. Use M-n and M-p to select, <tab> to complete. (use-package company :defer 2 :diminish :bind (:map company-active-map ("<tab>...