此文的重点是 基于Emacs 的 all-in-one 系统的可能性,具体到Emacs 的配置和使用需要更多的 Emacs 背景知识。 初学者可以从陈斌大神的一年成为Emacs高手开始。 https://github.com/redguardtoo/mastering-emacs-in-one-year-guide/blob/master/guide-zh.orggithub.com/redguardtoo/mastering-emacs-in-one-year...
Master Emacs in one year Introduction I was a Microsoft fan because I was born in China. There was no Unix culture when I was young. My professor knew as much as I knew about Unix. Basically it’s nothing. I believed Microsoft Windows was the only platform worth developing software on....
Master Emacs in one yearIntroductionI was a Microsoft fan because I was born in China. There was no Unix culture when I was young. My professor knew as much as I knew about Unix. Basically it’s nothing. I believed Microsoft Windows was the only platform worth de...
ace-mc-add-multiple-cursors prompts for a "Query Char" for the first character of a word, much in the same way that Ace Jump does. In fact, ace-mc-add-multiple-cursors takes similar prefix arguments that ace-jump-mode does. So if you pass one C-u prefix to it, it'll activate ac...
Emacs for All, All for Emacs It has been a long time since I began working with emacs, one of the greatest editors in Linux systems. It is really hard for a beginner to learn how to use it, especially for those who are addicted to the GUI, using emacs means that all the work ...
Annullare l'ultima operazione Command-Z undo DescrizioneTasto di scelta rapidaComando Chiudere tutte le schede aperte nel riquadro corrente, eccetto la scheda corrente Option-Control-W closeallbutme Chiudere tutte le schede aperte in tutti i riquadri ...
If the SYNTAX argument is non-nil, then all semantic actions are ignored, and a syntax tree is constructed instead. The syntax tree obeys the property that all the leave nodes are parts of the input string. Thus, by traversing the syntax tree, one can determine how each character ...
Delete all windows but this one. C-x 4 f find-file-other-window Find a file in the other window. C-x 4 b switch-to-buffer-other-window Select a buffer in the other window. (none) Tools Compare (Ediff) This Window and Next Window compare-windows Compare this window with the ne...
It knows about the Django default tag names and uses a different coloring for comments. At the moment it is configured to automatically kick-in for files with extension.djhtml(I made it up that way, in order not to clash with other defaults one may have with .html files). Of course yo...
(this is all one shell command). This tells 'configure' to instruct the preprocessor to look in the '/foo/myinclude' directory for header files (in addition to the standard directories), instruct the linker to look in '/bar/mylib' for libraries, pass the -O3 optimization switch to...