The word “lion” comes to the Modern English language through several linguistic streams, including Old French and Latin. Its Greek linguistic roots are connected to a Spartan king named Leonidas. Scientific Name All sea lions belong to the taxonomic family of Otariidae, which means “little ...
In 1850, these sea lions were wrongly described as being Steller’s sea lions, and in later years they were thought to be a subspecies of the Californian sea lion, Zalophus californianus. This taxonomic classification persisted until very recently, when zoologists took a good look at the sea...
BIOLOGICAL classificationGENOMESThe endangered Gal谩pagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) inhabits the Gal谩pagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. We present a complete mitochondrial genome (16 465 bp) of a female paratype from the collections of the Natural History Museum ...
Boullion VV (1993) Primary production and trophic classification of reservoirs. Methodological issues of studying the primary production of plankton of inland water bodies. Gidrometeoizdat, St. Petersburg, pp 147–157 (in Russian) Google Scholar Methodical recommendations for the collection and proce...
Borowski25does record that a scavenger/predator sigalionid polychaete species,Leanirasp. A, showed a repeated trend of high abundance in the resedimented areas relative to PTs and reference areas, suggesting this as a possible response to enhanced food availability for this species. There have als...
uploaded to the website EcoTaxa ( where Random Forest Algorithm in combination with convolutional neural network feature extraction automatically classifies them; afterwards, the preliminary classification of potential AP, planktic organisms, and detritus was manually ...
To understand seasonal DOC accumulation and its factors in regulating bacterioplankton community patterns, we conducted a 3-year survey at the Microbial Observatory Laboratory Arago (MOLA) in the Gulf of Lion, northwestern Mediterranean Sea (NWMED). We hypothesized that the pronounced seasonal ...
, Taxonomic atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the Western Santa Barbara Channel. Vol. 7. The Annelida Part 4. Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae to Sternaspidae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, pp. 97–127. Blake, J.A. & Giangrande, A. (2011...
the diversity distribution of one taxonomic group should neither be used as a general proxy for the diversity of another nor as an indication of overall patterns of richness; and that at small spatial scales, idiosyncrasies of each taxonomic group and peculiarities of each environment appeared to ...
Parasitology Research (2019) 118:1353–1361 ARTHROPODS AND MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY - ORIGINAL PAPER Antarctophthirus microchir infestation in synanthropic South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) males diagnosed by a novel non-invasive method David Ebmer1 ...