亚种与分类Subspecies and Taxonomy 加州海狮可分多3个亚种: 加州海狮(Zalophus californianus californianus),分布于北美洲近太平洋沿岸沙滩生活; 加拉巴戈海狮(Zalophus californianus wollebaeki); 日本海狮(Zalophus californianus japonicus),现已绝种。
This chapter discusses the characteristics, taxonomy, distribution, abundance, and ecology of California, Galapagos, and Japanese sea lions. These are closely related species that together comprise the genus Zalophus. The three sea lions are now regarded as separate species: Zalophus californianus, Z....
Analysis of the CCPDD highlighted differences in predator diet data availability based on geography, time period and predator taxonomy, as well as prominent prey categories. The top 5 forage taxa with the most predators included juvenile rockfish, northern anchovy, euphausiid krill, Pacific herring ...
EVOLUTION, TAXONOMY AND ANTITROPICAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE PORPOISES (PHOCOENIDAE, MAMMALIA) porpoise, Phocoena dioptrica, is actually more closely related to the North Pacific Dali's porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, than to other species of ... Lawrence,G.,Barnes - 《Marine Mammal Science》 被...
Analysis of the CCPDD highlighted differences in predator diet data availability based on geography, time period and predator taxonomy, as well as prominent prey categories. The top 5 forage taxa with the most predators included juvenile rockfish, northern anchovy, euphausiid krill, Pacific herring ...
4.2. Cyanobacterial Taxonomy Potential toxin-producing cyanobacteria were identified to the genus level according to Komárek [65–71]. Briefly, samples were homogenized by successive inversions and an aliquot was poured into 20 mL tissue culture dishes, settled overnight, and viewed under an Olympus...
Biomarkers can then be identified to differentiate between Gambierdiscus species (chemotaxonomy), evaluate the possible presence of ecotypes, and study the metabolism and biosynthesis of toxins. In this study, we detected the presence of seven pigments in G. cf. caribaeus and G. cf. carpenteri...
The numerical intraspecific taxonomy of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 1974, 69, 89–104. [CrossRef] 72. Anon. Landmark Trees of the City of Fremont; Landscape Architecture Division, Division of Community Services: Fremont, CA, USA, 2011. 73. Spencer, R.D....