The California sea lion is anotariid(i.e. a member of the familyOtariidae). Otariids such as the California sea lion are also known as ‘eared seals’. The California sea lion is one of 6 sea lions and 15 otariids that are alive today. Other otariids include the fur seals and thew...
37-48 Generalization of visual matehing and delayed matehing by a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) ADAM A. PACK, LOUIS M. HERMAN, and HERBERT L. ROITBLAT Uniuersity of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii Only a limited number of species have been found capable of generalized matching-to-...
ice sheet collapse, Iowa, Jailbird, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, kids today, Marquette, Milwaukee, New York, Notre Dame, optical illusions, OSU, our brains don't work, pandemic, Pete Buttigieg, politics, prison, prison-industrial complex, QAnon, rising sea levels, Sara Nelson, schools, science...
And the fact that California had once been part of Mexico was apparently quite embarrassing. This embarrassment was solved in textbooks by focusing almost exclusively on Anglo-Americans who began to arrive in California in the 1820s and began to bring culture and civilization to this benighted ...
Mortality of sea lions along the central California coast linked to a toxic diatom bloom. Nature 2000, 403, 80–84. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 44. Bargu, S.; Goldstein, T.; Roberts, K.; Li, C.; Gulland, F. Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, domoic acid, and related California sea lion stranding...
We gave survey participants a questionnaire sheet on a clipboard with a pen and asked them to stand approximately 3 meters away from the station and not in the upwind direction, so they would not block any wind from reaching the instrument. Participants took 3 min on average to complete the...