South-eastern Australia has one of the world’s fastest warming ocean regions, largely due to the intensification and southerly extension of the East Australian Current (EAC) and its eddy train19,20. The region is projected to undergo further increases in temperature, sea level, salinity and, i...
Australian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern Australian Standard Classification of Education Australian Standard Classification of Occupations Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups Australian Standard Diagnostic Techniques Austr...
Australian Pack Classification Australian Packaging Machinery Association Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Australian Pain Management Association Australian Pain Society Australian Paint Approval Scheme Australian Paint Manufacturers' Federation Australian Paliochora Kythera Archaeological Survey Australian Palomino ...
Australian Land Use and Management Classification Australian Landfill Owners Association Australian Landing Craft Australian Language and Literacy Australian Language and Literacy Council Australian languages Australian LaRouche Youth Movement Australian Law Enforcement Intelligence Net ...
[19]. Classification methods based on linear skull measurements have met with varying degrees of success, due in part to uncertainty over sample composition (i.e. purity of specimens) and the magnitude and patterning of variation in dingoes (i.e. Desert v Alpine). Dingoes generally show a ...
Australian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern Australian Standard Classification of Education Australian Standard Classification of Occupations Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups ...
A new classification of the Australian Marginellidae (Mollusca), with a review of species from the Solanderian and Dampierian Zoogeographical Provinces. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 1957, 8, 274–311. [CrossRef] 27. Laseron, C. The Family Triphoridae (Mollusca) from Northern Australia,...
Syclops—A qualitative debris classification system developed for RAF early failure detection centres. Tribol. Int. 2005, 38, 898–903. [CrossRef] © 2017 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of ...
Matching codes were provided by FSANZ for the 1995 and 2011/12 survey in the "NNPAS-2011–2013 and NNS-1995 food classification concordance file" and between the 1995 and 1983 surveys in the "The Bridging Study" to ensure that beverage categorization was consistent across surveys. Beverages ...
Objective classification of Australian climates. Aust. Meteorol. Mag. 2000, 49, 87–96. 13. Australia Government—Bureau of Meteorology. Climate Data Online. Available online: (accessed on 22 December 2016). 14. Brodribb, P. ...