SDL_Init 是 SDL2 库中的一个函数,用于初始化 SDL2 库的子系统。这个函数的原型如下: int SDL_Init(Uint32 flags); 参数 flags 是一个位掩码,用于指定要初始化的子系统。例如,如果你想初始化视频子系统,你可以传递 SDL_INIT_VIDEO 作为 f
Setenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER", "") } } } return status } 浏览完整代码 来源:sdl.go 项目:jbondeson/Go-SDL2 示例2 func InitGL(width, height, msaa int, fullscreen bool) { C.SDL_Init(C.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) C.SDL_VideoInit( /*nil*/ C.SDL_GetVideoDriver(0)) C.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(C.SDL...
以一个播放器的初始化为例: #include"SDL.h"intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_AUDIO)!=0){SDL_Log("Unable to initialize SDL: %s",SDL_GetError());return1;}/* ... */SDL_Quit();return0;} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SDL_Init(SDL_...
On macos, if SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) is called on a thread other than the main thread, it'll throw an objective C exception and pop up a macos crash dialog. I'd expect SDL_Init to return false and set an error message instead. I ran int...
int SDL_VideoInit(constchar *driver_name) { SDL_VideoDevice *video; constchar *hint; int index; int i; SDL_bool allow_screensaver; /* Check to make sure we don't overwrite '_this' */ if (_this != NULL) { SDL_VideoQuit(); ...
使用此函数初始化SDL库,必须在使用大多数其他SDL函数之前调用它。 参数:flags 表示需要初始化那些子系统。常见的子系统和对应的flag如下: flags子系统 SDL_INIT_TIMER 计时器子系统 SDL_INIT_AUDIO 音频子系统 SDL_INIT_VIDEO 视频子系统; 自动初始化事件子系统 SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK 操纵杆子系统; 自动初始化事件子...
videoFlags := sdl.OPENGL// Enable OpenGL in SDLvideoFlags |= sdl.DOUBLEBUF// Enable double bufferingvideoFlags |= sdl.HWPALETTE// Store the palette in hardware//FIXME:this causes segfault.// videoFlags |= sdl.RESIZABLE // Enable window resizingsurface = sdl.SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREE...
Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 同样,如果需要,SDL_CreateWindow可以调用:SDL_VideoInit SDL_Window *SDL_CreateWindow(constchar*title,intx,inty,intw,inth, Uint32 flags){// [...]if(!_this) {/* Initialize the video system if needed */if(SDL_VideoInit(NULL) <0) {returnNULL; ...
sdl.Init(sdl.INIT_VIDEO)defersdl.Quit() dmg.init(file, width, height) dmg.exec() } 开发者ID:jlukacs,项目名称:gameboy,代码行数:7,代码来源:DMG.go 示例6: Init ▲点赞 1▼ funcInit()error{// This is needed to make sure that we are always running the graphics code in the same OS ...
1. VIDEO(视频) 视频子系统的初始化函数是SDL_VideoInit()。 它的源码位于video\SDL_video.c文件里。例如以下所看到的。 /* * Initialize the video and event subsystems -- determine native pixel format */intSDL_VideoInit(constchar*driver_name){SDL_VideoDevice*video;constchar*hint;intindex;inti;SD...