This addon adds a concept of the sculk sensor block which was shown in the Minecraft Live event...
【译名】“潜声传感器”将作为Sculk Sensor的非正式译名收录于1.17中,正式译名将在洞穴与山崖第二部分中确定
不过,Sculk Sensor的克星竟是羊毛。要是在Sculk Sensor周围放置羊毛,即可阻止Sculk Sensor检测振动,从而无法正常运行。 因此,羊毛在1.17版本的用途就是“屏蔽”Sculk Sensor,值得红石玩家留意一下! 03 音符盒 想必Minecraft玩家们或多或少都用过音符盒,是否听过传说中最恐怖的11号唱片的音效?如果玩家们想要体验吉他的...
无论是雷声还是羊叫声都会产生信号,不过部分的行为不会产生信号,如潜行 When a vibration is detected, a signal is sent from the source location to the sensor at a speed of 1 game tick per block. Other vibrations cannot be detected by a sensor when a signal is already traveling to it. When ...
Labels: sculk_sensor Confirmation Status: Confirmed Category: Game Events Mojang Priority: Normal The Bug: Sculk sensors are not activated upon rain or snow filling partially filled cauldrons. Steps to Reproduce: Build the setup as shown in the attachment below by running the following command and...
minecraft吧 关注:2,519,876贴子:31,521,861 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 0回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧sculk sensor除了能做宝藏钓鱼机还能做啥? 只看楼主收藏回复 tranquil_peace 熔岩之海 10 结构设计来自【视频:BV1bN411q7Qa】 送TA礼物 1楼2023-09-18 18:42回复 ...
Labels: sculk_sensor Confirmation Status: Confirmed Category: Rendering Mojang Priority: Normal Area: Gameplay Description See picture. Only the upper part of water gets glowing effect, it should be to either all of the water source or glowing shouldn't apply to water at allAttachments...
Sculk Sensor Sculk Sensor Redstone Sculk Catalyst How to Mine Sculk Blocks Like most blocks in Minecraft, you don't need a specific tool to mine them. But if you use a hoe, you'll mine sculk blocks a lot faster than you usually would, and on top of that, you'll need the Silk Tou...
+Sculk Sensor Part drop chance adjusted to 10% +Warden Claws drop chance adjusted to 5% +Turkish language added to the mod. 1.0 Update Sculk arms, which are now made with items dropped from the Warden, empower the player and make him stronger in his battles. If the player wants to incre...
The many Sculk blocks located around the Deep Dark biome inMinecraftfeature a unique style as well as unique gameplay associated with them. The Sculk sensor is one of the more common Sculk blocks that players will come across and functions by emitting a redstone signal. ...