不过,Sculk Sensor的克星竟是羊毛。要是在Sculk Sensor周围放置羊毛,即可阻止Sculk Sensor检测振动,从而无法正常运行。 因此,羊毛在1.17版本的用途就是“屏蔽”Sculk Sensor,值得红石玩家留意一下! 03 音符盒 想必Minecraft玩家们或多或少都用过音符盒,是否听过传说中最恐怖的11号唱片的音效?如果玩家们想要体验吉他的...
【译名】“潜声传感器”将作为Sculk Sensor的非正式译名收录于1.17中,正式译名将在洞穴与山崖第二部分中确定 http://t.cn/A6VL6sYj
This addon adds a concept of the sculk sensor block which was shown in the Minecraft Live event...
The many Sculk blocks located around the Deep Dark biome inMinecraftfeature a unique style as well as unique gameplay associated with them. The Sculk sensor is one of the more common Sculk blocks that players will come across and functions by emitting a redstone signal. Recommended Videos There...
minecraft吧 关注:2,519,876贴子:31,521,861 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 0回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧sculk sensor除了能做宝藏钓鱼机还能做啥? 只看楼主收藏回复 tranquil_peace 熔岩之海 10 结构设计来自【视频:BV1bN411q7Qa】 送TA礼物 1楼2023-09-18 18:42回复 ...