Sculk Sensors can now detect a Boat above a bubble column making splashes 幽匿感测体现在可以检测到气泡柱上的船发出的声音 The Sculk Sensor correctly detects when a Dirt, Coarse Dirt, or Rooted Dirt Block is turned into a Mud block when interacted with while holding a Water Bottle (MCPE-1540...
block.sculk_sensor.break block/sculk_sensor/break1, pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.9block/sculk_sensor/break2, pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.9block/sculk_sensor/break3, pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.9block/sculk_sensor/break4, pitch = 1.2, volume = 0.9block/sculk_sensor/break5, pitch = 1.2, volume ...
The Sculk Sensor now correctly detects when a Big Dripleaf block changes its tilting state (MCPE-153115) 幽匿感测体能够正确的侦测到大型垂滴叶改变其倾斜程度的事件了 (MCPE-153115) The Sculk Sensor now correctly detects when a Grass, Grass Path, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, or Rooted Dirt Block is ti...
block.sculk.spread block.enchanting_table.use bundle.insert dash_ready pressure_plate.click_off button.click_off insert insert_enchanted shatter_pot brush undefinedExample...
The sounds emitted by players and mobs stepping, falling, jumping, or landing on top of Sculk Sensors are now affected by the "Players" sound slider 玩家和生物在幽匿感测体上行走、摔落、跳跃和着陆时发出的声音会被“玩家”音量滑块控制
Equipping items in armor slots through inventory screen now produces sounds (MCPE-46939)在背包界面向...
The sounds emitted by players and mobs stepping, falling, jumping, or landing on top of Sculk Sensors are now affected by the "Players" sound slider Gameplay Fixed an issue where a Piston could become invisible in rare cases Players no longer take fall damage when falling through...
Sculk Catalysts and Shriekers have the same blast resistance as on Java Restored some Sculk-related sounds that were mistakenly removed The Sculk Shrieker's shrieking sound is now categorized properly as a block sound The Sculk Sensor's activation and deactivation sounds are now categorized properly...
Blocks of Amethyst have a new behavior when placed adjacent to Sculk Sensors 为放在幽匿感测体旁的紫水晶块添加了新的行为 If that Sculk Sensor receives a vibration, the Block of Amethyst will re-emit its frequency as a separate vibration at its location 如果幽匿感测体接收到了振动信号,那么紫...
subtitles.block.sculk_sensor.clicking 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.block.sculk_shrieker.shriek 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 subtitles.block.shulker_box.close 为运行脚本而分配的时间已耗尽。 为...