During the sprint planning meeting, the Scrum team will estimate how many items from the backlog they can complete with their existing resources. TheScrum Masterfacilitates the meeting, the product owner clarifies the details and requirements of the backlog items, and the team members define the ...
Traditionally in-person, many teams now hold these meetings using tools like Slack huddles to stay agile in remote and hybrid settings. What are the different types of Scrum meetings? The type of Scrum meeting you choose depends on the specific objectives of your team, each designed to address...
Every scrum meeting (called daily standing meeting) usually takes place at each sprint every morning for about 15 minutes. In scrum agile practices, teams usually hold meetings at 9:00 in the same place on time. (每天scrum会议(称为每日站立会议)通常每天早上在每个sprint上进行,时间大约持续15分钟。
PO从不同来源获取需求(用户故事)然后进行梳理,产生产品待办列表Product backlog; 组织Spint planing Meeting,和团队共同从Product backlog中挑出若干需要在Sprint结尾完成的内容,在Sprint Planning中进行分析和拆分,会议输出sprint backlog(这次sprint要做的事情)和sprint goal; 进行迭代开发,在每个spint期间,每天有daily ...
It features scrum tools like user story map, product backlog management, sprint backlog management, task management, daily scrum meeting, sprint planning tool, sprint review tool, sprint retrospective tool, burndown, impediment, stakeholder and team management. Learn More Agile Umbrella Agile is an...
Scrum values center around meeting business aims and objectives and fulfilling the needs of stakeholders and customers efficiently. The scrum method favors agility and adaptability informed by iterative development and assessment, seeking to make necessary changes to the final product in a way that saves...
Scrum is an agile project management framework you can use in some circumstances to achieve your objectives faster. It involves breaking large projects into smaller pieces to complete in short timeframes called sprints. “Scrum meeting” is a catch-all term to describe the various meetings scrum ...
5个事件:Sprint,Sprint Plan Meeting,Daily Standup Meeting, Review Meeting, Retrospective Meeting(Sprint回顾会议) 1. 三个角色 PO(产品负责人):产品负责人的职责是将开发团队开发的产品价值最大化。如何实现这一点的方式会随着跨织、Scrum 团队和团队成员个体的不同而有所不同。
你已经准备好开始Sprint了,你正在Sprint planning meeting中进行计划。 ✥ ✥ ✥ Sprint的目标是向干系人交付价值。然而,简单地遵循Sprint待办事项列表(SBIs;例如,任务)不一定会创造最大可能的价值。 因为团队根据单个任务或可交付成果来安排其工作计划,所以很容易在生产阶段挑选单个项目并单独处理该项目。然而,这...
Sprint retrospective: In the retrospective meeting, the team reviews their overall system and processes and how they can be improved for the next sprint.Try Wrike for free The Scrum framework in Agile Agile Scrum is the same thing as Scrum. Agile is the overarching methodology, while Scrum is...