深入讨论了scRNA如何在健康和疾病情况下鉴定新的独特的免疫细胞群体解析免疫系统异质性;描述细胞群体中可能存在的异质性;创建免疫细胞发育轨迹。最后,讨论了该领域未来发展方向,以及目前在环境、表观状态、细胞谱系的研究中,完成单细胞层面分子信息的整合方法 现有单细胞技术总结 现有的单细胞测序技术各有优缺点。在选择某...
| 单细胞转录组测序(Single cell RNA sequencing,scRNA-seq),也称为单细胞 RNA 测序,是在单细胞水平对转录组进行测序的一项新的颠覆性技术,是研究单个细胞内基因表达的强有力的工具,可以解决在早期胚胎发育、干细胞、癌症、免疫等研究领域中存在的样品量极低或细胞异质性的问题,让解 ...
scRNA-sequencing reveals new enteric nervous system roles for GDNF, NRTN, and TBX3Calcium ImagingHuman and Mouse ColonPou3f3 (Brn1)Transcription FactorsBackground and aims Bowel function requires coordinated activity of diverse enteric neuron subtypes. Our aim was to define gene expression in these ...
单细胞RNA测序(single-cell RNA sequencing,scRNA-seq)技术作为一项革命性工具,在单细胞水平上对转录组进行分析,已经被广泛用于多个方面的生物医学研究,包括肿瘤异质性研究、新细胞类型的鉴定、组织发育与细胞分化过程研究和基因调控网络研究等。通过scRNA-seq获得高通量的单细胞转录组数据后,利用原位组织学验证是目前流行...
Single cell analysis & RNA sequencing kits. Bring the power of single-cell biology to your lab with instrument free scRNA-seq solutions.
Background: As bulk and single-cell RNA (scRNA) sequencing studies and data continue to accrue to publicly accessible databases, bioinformatic tools continue being developed to analyze these datasets. The resulting pipelines often focus on either bulk or scRNA sequencing but rarely both. scRNA ...
CellBender is a software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. - broadinstitute/CellBender
Single-cell transcriptome sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a new technique for high-throughput sequencing analysis of the transcriptome in single cell. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing can complement conventional transcriptome sequencing (mRNA-seq: Bulk RNA sequencing, comparing the average expression values ...
Single cell analysis & RNA sequencing kits. Bring the power of single-cell biology to your lab with instrument free scRNA-seq solutions.
Current research is being conducted to understand the molecular mechanisms regulating these high-heterogeneous neoplasms originating from adenohypophysis, and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) technology is now playing an essential role in these studies due to its remarkable resolution at the ...