canon- a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
HSHollands Spoor(railway station; The Hague, Netherlands) HSHebrew Scriptures(Old Testament) HSHockey Skates HSHighway Service(Canada Post) HSHand Stamp(philately; a cancel mark) HSHeat Sensor HSHealth Services Technician HSHeel Strike(ergonomics) ...
Ten years ago,Preachers of LAhighlighted not only the amazing work these church leaders do in the community and with their parishioners, but also showcased the dynamic lives these men led when away from the pulpit, including the struggles they face as husbands, fathers and friends. The cast in...
Come to the Manger Student Book: Scriptures for the Church Seasons: Advent 2008 [Paperback] This is the seasonal offering of Scripture for the Church Seasons. This Advent study has five sessions -- one for each Sunday of Advent plus Christmas readings for use on the Sunday after Christmas or...
Mormon 9:15 posted in:Book of Mormon|3 And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I …Continued...
This approach provides complexity to our understanding of cohabitation in late antique Christianity. When viewed within the context of the Würzburg codex— a volume that was designed for mid-eighth century efforts at reforming the Christian church—I maintain that the ' meaning (and ...
19 October 2024: The quality of modern church leaders This is an important but controversial paper; it pulls no punches. It assesses church leadership in the last 70 years and shows it wanting. It also gives much Biblical data on God’s will for leaders and church meetings and many historic...
Today, Christians need to memorize and meditate scriptures more than ever before. With our high tech society, many Christians have become downright lazy in memorizing scripture. HERE’S THE PROBLEM:Most books on memorization techniques are dull and boring... No wonder why memorizing scripture ...
—How Christ always victoriously confronts the satanic power which insinuates itself into the Church.—Heavenly and hellish powers meet in the Church.—The healing of the possessed in the synagogue a decisive token of the redeeming empire of Christ: 1. Of His victory over the kingdom of Satan...
Paul wrote to the Colossian church to correct false teaching about Jesus and to instruct us how to live “worthy of the Lord”—fruitful and faithful lives that “please him in every way” (1:10). The apostle emphasizes the supremacy of Christ in creation, redemption, and the church (chs...