The importance of Scripture in the life of a believer is foundational and multifaceted, serving as the ultimate authority for faith and practice. Scripture is regarded as the inspired Word of God, providing guidance, instruction, and revelation of God's will and character. The Bible, composed ...
During those 18 years, the Lord gifted Becky and me with four wonderful children: Brianna, Karyssa, Aiden and Cade. On January 10, 2016 we began serving as lead pastor at East Brandywine Baptist Church in Downingtown, PA. These past six years at EBBC have been so good. I love this ...
The purpose of Scripture is a foundational concept within Christian theology, serving as a guide for faith, doctrine, and practice. Scripture, as the divinely inspired Word of God, is central to understanding God's will, character, and plan for humanity. The Bible, comprising the Old and ...
This site is all about learning the content of the Bible accurately and responsibly, and thereby knowing and serving the God of the Bible well. There are two general categories of topics taught on this site: Bible and Theology. Bible resources teach the nature and content of the Bible itself...
Connect and grow together in faith through interactive discussions and visually compelling scripture images. This project is brought to you by Bible SMS and Scripture Images, non-profit online ministries dedicated to serving Christians around the world. Join The Server Today » ...
I call for fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness and flames have burned up all the trees of the field. Even the wild animals pant for you; the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness.”– Joel 1:19-20 The church that I …Continu...
In my earlier years of serving the Households of Faith, I was a conference speaker. I spoke at several Women’s Retreat gatherings held at conference centers in the state of Maryland. In preparation for one particular conference I remember inquiring about the general makeup of the participants....
Also, each week we need volunteers to help with serving and clean up during coffee hour.Transportation to ChurchDo you need transportation to Church? Or would you be able to bring a parishioner, who doesn’t drive, to church from time to time? If you answered “yes” to either question,...
The Meals depends solely on volunteers and donations. Sunday Meals are served from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. «The Lord is my shepherd, I … FIND OUT MORE About our Church We believe: 1. As are we, our churches are connected, serving a Living God and united in a common bond: 2. ...
I’ve appreciated the sermons I’ve heard this term on inviting God’s kingdom to be present in the church. Our passage today also contributes, where Jesus is told, “You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth”. ...