Facebook YouTube What should I expect when I visit? Expect a simple Bible-based worship service. We sing songs of praise to the Lord Ephesians 5:19 We study Acts 2:42 We give to the Lord as we have prospered 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 ...
Spirit Notes keeps all your Christian notes and recordings together. No more switching apps during a Church service or lecture. No need to piece together files later on. Keep your sermon notes organized & stay focused. Bible Reader The Smart- ...
Provide Bible verses and short devotions. More Text MessagingMobile AppMobile Giving IT’S NEVER BEEN EASIER! HOW IT WORKS? STEP 1: Set Up a Keyword Simply Login to your Ministries’ ChurchByMobile Back Office, and in a matter of seconds create a keyword and set up your campaign (database...
2. Prepare for the service Now, just because you’ve been running sermons and weekly meetings already doesn’t mean that you can jump right into live streaming them without any tests or practice. Sure, you may have the sermon notes lined up, and Bible verses memorized. But you’ll still ...
We are a Church based in Powai, Mumbai, who are committed to loving God, loving others and telling people the good news about Jesus. We’d love to see you at our regular meetings or other events. Traditional Service: 8.30am every Sunday ...
TaggedChrist the King,Christianity,faith,Jesus,Leadership,Love,sermon,servant leadership,service Leave a comment November 17, 2024 When child abuse comes to the church Watch the video of the sermon below. Or read the text summary that follows. ...
11And to some, his ‘gift’ was that they should be apostles; to some prophets; to some, evangelists; to some, pastors and teachers; 12 to knit God’s holy people together for the work of service to build up the Body of Christ, (Ephesians 4:11-12, NJB) 28 And those whom God ...
The memorial inside First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas—where 26 people were murdered by a gunman during a worship service on November 5, 2017—includes a Bible at the foot of a wooden cross, open to Psalm 149 and Psalm 150 as well as the first three chapters of Prov...
8 Bible Verses About Sex 5 Simple Ways To Prevent Youth Pastor Burnout and Turnover Strong Worship Team Guidelines Christian Games for Youth Groups: Put Play to Good Purpose NIRD Principle: Mutual Accountability ‘Israel’s Lord’ (Part 1) With David Wilhite and Adam Winn Unveiling Jesus...
We have made an effort to provide quality programming for both the Sunday School and worship hours and have adapted our schedule to allow families to worship together for part of the service. Children are released each Sunday at 10:20 for Children’s church. Please register your child every ...