text- a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon" Gabriel- (Bible) the archangel who was the messenger of God Noachian deluge,Noah and the Flood,Noah's flood,the Flood- (Biblical) the great deluge...
God put mysteries into the scriptures and sometimes they are hidden in plain sight. He’s just waiting till we increase in our desire to learn and our careful study to reveal them to us. The convenient note boxes in Scripture Notes just beg you to write down every new thought, question,...
The God of the people of Israel chose our fathers. He made them into a great people during their stay in Egypt, and with an uplifted arm He led them out of that land. Treasury of Scripture God has not cast away his people which he foreknew. Know you not what the scripture said of...
“…you’re at the end of your rope”. That sentence replaced ‘poor in spirit’ with a description mankind would instantly relate to. The Holy Spirit has assured me that God knew His Holy Bible would be translated into many specific contexts. He knew it would serve as a way of God’s...
That God chose these specific words for us.Psalm 139:17-18says God’s thoughts are vast, more than the sand. One of our former pastors used to say that the Bible is divinely brief. Out of the multitudes of things God could have said, He inspired and preserved in the Bible what He...
Or yours. The truth of the matter is that He died for all of us because all of us “have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Think about the kinds of sins they committed. They were “religious” people. Not a murderer among them probably. Certainly none who’d committed ...
Christ established the authority of the Prophets of the Old Testament as He quoted their words as being that of God. He personally chose and gave authority to the Apostles of the New Testament. Therefore, we believe these alone can be said to be truly called of God with any measure of ...
Or, as the late Paul Harvey continually reminded us, “In times like these, it is always helpful to remember that there have always been times like these.” People are saying, “We’re in this together.” Because of our trust in a faithful God, we know for certain that he is with ...
Thank you for continuing to spread the word of God. Taz18247,2019/03/23 Unable to view the scriptures You can’t enlarge the scriptures in order to view the print. How can I decide what I want to send without knowing what it says?
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Sadly, most of us do not grasp what is being said here; it is a point that goes on for several verses and magnifies the concept that “NOTHING” was made without Him. My fiance (at the time)...