choosing a more wakeful time of day, taking a shower or doing a few minutes of exercise first can help us be more alert. Removing distractions as much as possible helps: turning off the phone, choosing a time you can be somewhat alone, etc. ...
One in essence with God the Father, Who became incarnate on earth. For that truth, the greatest Fathers of the Church labored to the point of blood. They were unbending in the battle for this truth. They
century Ephrem Syrus, it is suggested that the notion of God freely choosing to limit Himself in human language may be a useful hermeneutical key to help us read these ancient texts with integrity.KEYWORDS: Genesis, Ephrem, patristic hermeneutics, accommodation, limit, Hymns on ...
Isaiah 45:12I have made the earth, and created man on it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.(with ver. 22): — The study of Nature reveals a Creator. This is the order: God, creation, fishes, animals, men, women, the human ...
As a result of the Fall, all men are born in a state of sin, the corruption of which extends to their will and thus influences their choosing. When God converts a sinner and translates him into a state of grace, He frees him from the bondage to sin, so that he is able to will ...
Foreknowledge, Then Election And Predestination(20 pages). God selected or chose persons according to knowledge that He possessed before or prior to choosing them. It is important to notice in scripture that foreknowledge precedes election-1 Peter 1:2. What God knows is merely passive, while His...
spiritual awaking at the age of 32. From that point on he quit his career, life of sin, partying and decadence, and dedicated his life to God. Choosing to commit to a life of poverty and devotion. He become a bishop for the church, and wrote over 800 sermons and letters on religious...
discover Bible Scriptures that relate to 200+ assorted topics. Select a topic of interest from the main topics list and you will be presented with a detail view showing up to 10 Scriptures from the Bible that relate to your choice. There is also a "Gospel" tab that presents God's plan ...
No one is perfect, that’s why we all desperately need a Savior. We all have sins that we like to ignore, instead of choosing to let the Holy Spirit do the good work in us that God intends to use to draw us closer to Him. ...
Then on the blog next week, we’ll talk about the patterns and themes that emerge, and what David can teach us about being people who have hearts that are after God’s own heart. We get started back here on Monday. Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash Posted byjoelkimeJanuary 25...