God knowledge is scripturally obtainable according to Colossians 2:1-5 (NIV):“I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally.2My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that th...
(Cf. John 17:12) Here we are confronted once more with the mystery of the interaction of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. God’s purpose will be realised, and yet it isJudaswho chooses, who acts, who betrays. The chief priests had already decided to kill Jesus; might they hav...
Psalm 46:5. There may be times when young women are inundated with problems and issues in life, that all seems to be lost and hopeless, they can draw inspiration and hope from this. It promises that God is every present in times of trouble. Definitely it is one of the great scripture ...
on the theme of dying in our sin and living in Christ. I believe that as we deeply reflect on God’s Word, we can usually see a connection to Christ and to us-and-Christ. That’s what I try to do in this sermon. I hope it is an encouragement to you!
And then he came up with "Jehovah", a fabricated name for the Almighty. In the original language of the Torah in Hebrew, it says, "Ya Ho Va", which means, "O' He". This is absurd. Few hundred years ago Germans came up with the name "God". Yet God is not the name of our ...
The purpose and origins of the Melchizedek story in Genesis are also far from obvious. He appears out of nowhere as a Canaanite priest-king devoted to the God of Israel at a time when the Canaanites were supposedly wicked idol worshippers, bestowing blessings on Abraham after a military camp...
Let me say it again: the way of faithful obedience to God is not always easy. As I mentioned in a post last week, David gave us a powerful principle of obedience to God when he said, “I will not sacrifice to God that which cost me nothing.” When we give our lives to faithful ...
Here we have good reason to apply the rule of symbolism because of the description of the beasts, but even more important the interpretation is given by the Bible itself for these symbols of great beasts. To do otherwise is to lose the message God is giving us. Is that a fair statement...
As Peter taught us, the scriptures are even more certain than the voice of God the Father speaking from a cloud at the transfiguration! If I have those perfect words on my phone and by my bed, why would I ever even want some vain and proud man claiming to be a prophet, tell me any...
God chooses what he wants and guides those who repent. According to a ḥadīth report preserved in the collection of Abū Bakr Muḥammad Ibn Ḥibbān (d. 965), Abū Dharr asked the prophet Muhammad how many scriptures God had revealed to humanity, and the prophet Muhammad replied ...