Are You God’s Chosen? How Will You Know? Posted on December 12, 2024 Are You God’s Chosen? How will you Know If You Are God’s Chosen? First of all, there is no need for you to be holy for God to accept you in heaven. When God chooses you, He has already chosen you ...
By knowing what the Bible documents, Chapter & Verse (C&V) its God to have done, if the prosecution is correct, why do good people still believe in, worship, support, promote and finance this murderous character? Bible Chapter & Verse (C&V) documentation proves that the Biblical God is ...
The Hebrew word for "God" here is "Elohim," a term that emphasizes God's power and sovereignty. It is significant that God chooses to engage with Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet, which underscores the universality of God's dominion and His ability to use anyone to fulfill His purposes. ...
you are growing beautiful fruit as you abide in Me”–JESUS (John 15:5). If we ask God to reveal himself, he’ll do it—as he chooses—through little whispers, confirmations, divine delays and heavenly echoes that corroborate with what he’s already saying through His Word and Spirit (P...
God Chooses Us FOR Something Posted onSeptember 4, 2018 Do y’all remember what we talked about last week? God calling the disciples and they left their nets because we can’t carry our baggage with us on this crazy, awesome journey of being a disciple of Jesus. God chooses us just as...
10. David repents, and having three plagues proposed by God, chooses pestilence15. After the death of 70,000, David by prayer prevents the destruction of Jerusalem18. David, by God's direction, purchases Araunah's threshing floor; 25. and the plague stops...
This is not coincidental. While we can find Christ anywhere, he chooses to meet us in synagogues, in churches, in the midst of the people of God. We read this in John 18:20, where, before the high priest, Jesus says, “I always taught in the synagogues or at the temple, where ...
God chooses to dwell in these fragile vessels that we are. All of this brings us back to the Sabbath. Without getting legalistic about Sabbath rules, can we agree that spending time with God is good for us? Can we agree that prayer, both personal and collective, is good for us? That ...
at the mountain where God chooses to reign, where the Lord himself will dwell forever?17 The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.[au]18 When you ascended on high, you took many captives; you received gifts from...
But in the New Testament, God chooses a new people, a people of faith, and once more calls us all to be priests. "Priesthood," which appears here and in verse 9, is the Greek noun hierateuma. A "royal priesthood" means "a priesthood of royal rank or in royal service" and refers...