As a Christian parent, there is no better feeling than knowing your child has inherited the Bible verses in both heart and mind. Wherever he or she may be, now you can be rest assured that your child will not stray from the path that God has laid out for him or her, simply because ...
These men had something new thrown at them. The king had never before asked them to tell him the dream. Usually, he would tell them a dream and they would interpret. Interpretation is easy. You can make it up so it sounds plausible. But reading the mind of someone else is something al...
2.Study the Word in-depth.A deep and continual study of the Word is necessary so as to be filled with it; a superficial reading or listening will not get us very far (2 Tim. 2:15;Acts 17:11;Ps. 119:11). As Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord and firmly declared th...
By Katherine GuoDecember 5th, 2024The World Council of Churches (WCC) Just Community of Women and Men organized a three-hour online advocacy training for church workers on November 27 to equip them with skills to integrate advocacy into preaching, liturgy, and Bib...
Reading Romans in a globalised, urban world (David W. Smith) My sense is that in the emerging globalised world we are seeing more and more urban poverty issues. For example, as I highlighted in the past, there are a lot of elderly people living in poverty in Hong Kong, despite the eno...
Other sources have demonstrated that the ancient Assyrians used the term Alla for some of their deities: Al-sarru, if Al had been an Assyrian god. We may set down Alman as a possible reading, or even Alnis, but there seems no meaning to either. Now we have a similar name Alla-MAN...
I think of reading or listening to the Bible in 40-days is like flying at 40,000 feet. You can’t see the individual trees or streams below, but when you’re at that altitude you get to see things you can’t see any other way: cloud formations and lighte
Roman Catholicism - Liturgy, Scripture, Sacraments: The second phase of the mass, the liturgy of the Word, typically consists of three readings: a reading from the Old Testament, a non-Gospel reading from the New Testament, and a reading from the Gospels
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell in the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and PRAY ALWAYS, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." According to this passage there is ...
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which theLordyour God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12 But, the leaders said this law could be voided through the offer of a gift as a substitute for giving honor and respect to those who bore and raised the...