FORover three years, my wife and I have been trying to sell our farm. We’ve felt this “call” that we should move here, or move there. We’ve prayed about it and surmised that we had many valid reasons and even felt a certain “peace” about it. But still, we’ve never found...
Fiery Mars in its rewind phase re-enters sensitive Cancer which can alert us to intense feelings that we may have repressed.Tap for more... Horoscopes Sunday 5th January 2025 Quicksilver Mercury in Sagittarius angles towards dreamy Neptune in Pisces, with this aspect influencing us for a couple...
The Full Moon in Leo 2023 appears on Sunday, February 5th, at 1:29 PM ET. This is a dramatic lunation, so be ready for a few fireworks! A situation may come to a climax, leading to an exit. If that happens, trust that it will be for the best. Full Moons tend to endings, and...
for clues. In May the Daily Telegraph decided it no longer needed a daily TV review. Regular TV reviews have also gone at the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and London’s Evening Standard. Could the same happen to other arts?
Old fears, beliefs and mindsets may be keeping you in loops that make you believe nothing has changed or shifted for you, and you may feel like you are still trapped in the old dramas of the lower timelines. This is an illusion. The higher you vibe and more you ignore, the quicker th...
On last Sunday, a conference was called of all the citizens of Nauvoo, to take our case under due consideration. Here, if I have been properly informed, my own character was assailed in a most shameful manner. I, with many others, were cut off from the church: -- all for the crime...
I enclose you fifteen cents as you suggest, for a copy of the evidence which you have by which you prove the Book of Mormon to be a plagiarism of Spalding's Romance. I may add that the same day the New York paper reported that you had made discovery that the Book of Mormon was ...
“it has been borne in upon my mind to- night that you may some day be in trouble . . . I want to tell you that if ever you are in trouble, and need a friend that will always feel for you and love you, you have got that friend in Dinah Morris at Snowfield.” When her ...