Next in importance for Bible students to the Bible dictionaries are the general dictionaries of religious knowledge. Many of the more recent of these, such as the Hauck edition of RE, the new Sch-Herz, Jew Encyclopedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and in general all the larger and some of th...
5th Grade 24/25 5 2025 UPCI BIBLE QUIZZING 5 Dragons For Jesus 5 Men of Faith 5 Official 2023 National Bible Bee 5 Baptist Catechism 5 Westminster Shorter Catechism Modified 5 Small Groups - RCCN 5 Psalm 23 5 Memory verses recommended by EGW 5 The History of Bible Memory 5 Topical M...
Philastrius of Brescia (circa 387) testifies to the use of Apocryphal Acts among the Manicheans, and declares that although they are not suitable for general reading they may be read with profit by mature Christians (De Haeres, 88). The reason for this favorable judgment is to be found in...
A few weeks ago in my free time I was reading the bookJesus Calling, a wonderful devotional book. The certain page I was on mentioned something about the fact that we humans tend to pick the path of least resistance. I remember that the devotion itself was about an entirely different them...
Thanks for all that you do.” Donna “I have been reading on NTEB for about 5 years and listening as I can to your services. If I could list the encouragement, the doctrines, the awareness of what is coming (our blessed hope) but also the last day...
Light is critically important for without light no human life on earth may survive. Given its importance and intimate familiarity to us, light and darkness, are therefore fittingly used metaphorically in the Bible to teach us the truth that we may understand. According to the Bible, darkness is...
You have done an invaluable thing for a student of the land like I am. I consider these discs to be one of the best investments I have ever made.” (Bill Wilson, Sunday School teacher, Atlanta, GA)“I want to compliment you on the great job you did with the aerials; they are the...
求耶和华兴起御敌 - 大卫指着便雅悯人古实的话,向耶和华唱的流离歌。 耶和华我的神啊,我投靠你,求你救我脱离一切追赶我的人,将我救拔出来, 恐怕他们像狮子撕裂我,甚至撕碎,无人搭救。 耶和华我的神啊,我若行了这事,若有罪孽在我手里, 我若以恶报那与我交好的人(
LORD or YHVH? Jesus or Yeshua? Sunday or Sabbath? Church or Synagogue? Gentile or Israel? Clean or Unclean? Law or Grace? 2000 years after the Messiah, wherever we live, whether it's Sri Lanka or any other part of the world, all of us require to learn ho
($20.95). Each lesson consists of an assigned reading portion, memory work where the student is expected to memorize a Bible passage, a brief outline of important facts, questions about the memory verse, comprehension work, and map work. This is a great choice for parents who want a...