复活时间缩短至 7 秒 原为10 秒 复活时间不再随 HP 损失而加快 添加了对过期尸体使用复活时的通知 更改了使用 "复活 "时显示的 HUD 元素的颜色 10.0.0Public Beta XIV移动速度提高到 6 hu/s 原为5.6 hu/s. 23rd October 2020将 新怪谈-049 更名为 "治愈博士",同时让它的眼睛发出白光,并在其模型上应...
复活时间缩短至 7 秒 原为10 秒 复活时间不再随 HP 损失而加快 添加了对过期尸体使用复活时的通知 更改了使用 "复活 "时显示的 HUD 元素的颜色 10.0.0Public Beta XIV移动速度提高到 6 hu/s 原为5.6 hu/s. 23rd October 2020将 新怪谈-049 更名为 "治愈博士",同时让它的眼睛发出白光,并在其模型上应...
補丁不算作更新,因為它是部分更新內容的先行發布版。 December Patch十二月補丁 2022年12月1日 修復了萬聖節173貼圖無法加載的bug 修復了dll缺失時遊戲直接崩潰的bug 修復自訂中文地圖名無法顯示的bug 修復了報錯亂碼問題 現在遊戲會在報錯時提示報錯函數 September Patch九月補丁 2023年9月1日 將啟動時自動更新檢查改...
Unexplained Location UE-463104 Description:A 6 square foot patch of land that is always shaded. It appears in the middle of a field with no sign of any objects that obstruct light. It does not shade people who enter, and only affects the ground. Date of Containment:19██-09-27 Location...
how can i install 4GB patch? ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote V.I-Docent-Suslov-Aug 27 2024- 45 comments the only problem i have encountered is the memory access violation and something about an entity not having an animation,lags in certain areas, but this is a beta so of course one...
This was lowered to Armory Access Tier 2 in Megapatch II. The door to the Warhead Activation Room originally required Warhead Access to open, similar to the terminal inside the room. The Keycard requirement for the door was removed in v11.2.0. PC-15 originally required Containment Access ...
A patch of the mod! EXPECT BUGS ITS STILL IN A BETA STATE! RadicalSini approved! CHRISTMAS EDITION! V1.1.1 Dec 24 2020Download A very small patch that added a Cassie announcement as ambiance for every Zone. SCP: Containment Breach: Torture Edition v0.3 ...
Upgrade to WinSCP version 5.1.7 / 5.2.4 beta or later. See Also https://winscp.net/tracker/show_bug.cgi?id=1039 https://winscp.net/eng/docs/history#5.1.7 http://www.nessus.org/u?20c27652 http://www.nessus.org/u?e1b0243c ...
Inkscapetober Day 29: Patch 29 Oct 2021, 18:08 SleepOfReason 11 Inkscapetober Day 30: Slither 30 Oct 2021, 18:11 SleepOfReason 11 Machen's Art of SCP-5140 (EVEREST) 30 Oct 2021, 18:17 Machen2 69 Inkscapetober Day 31: Risk 31 Oct 2021, 17:03 SleepOfReason 23 RaddToon: It's...
No color on macOS Big Suri-tu/Hasklig#123 Closed Member frankrolfcommentedNov 13, 2020• edited #244is not related, since this is just a CSS issue – I just tested the site (fixed yesterday) and it works fine. However, I think it is the same problem as#217, where Firefox would ...