These interactions play a crucial role in the encapsulation process, where citric acid is captured within the hydrophobic cavity of beta-cyclodextrin. The key forces driving this complexation are two-fold. Beta-cyclodextrin has a hydrophobic interior cavity, which can accommodate hydrophobic guest ...
efficient clearance of senescent cells to promote healthspan during normal aging (Baar et al., 2017, Baker et al., 2016, Chang et al., 2016, Kirkland and Tchkonia, 2017), our work illustrates that senescence and SASP can play a major role in the pathology of a disease not related to ...
two of which, α- and β-synuclein, play a major role in the development of synucleinopathies, including Parkinson's disease (PD) as most important movement disorder, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) as the second most frequent cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease and multiple system ...
FAP is a dimeric protease localized primarily on the cell surfaces of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), which have been shown to play a protumoral role [8]. Generally, CAFs are known to increase tumor cell invasion, angiogenesis and tumor growth and their presence correlates with a poor ...
ATP7The Drosophila Slimb (Slmb) gene encodes a Skp1-Cul1-F-box (SCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase orthologous to the human 尾-TrCP/BTRC protein. Slmb and/or BTRC play regulatory roles in numerous biological processes by ubiquitinating several substrate proteins which are then targeted for proteasomal ...
More recently, HSCP70 (heat shock cognate protein 70) has been identified a potential receptor or co-receptor, and has been shown to interact with grouper NNV capsid and plays a crucial rule in the early stages of infection [132]. 5. Host-pathogen interactions 5.1. The pathogen response ...
Studies have shown that astrocytes play important role in the progression of AD by secreting Aβ in significant amounts and contributing to the accumulative amyloid burden in the AD brain. Since astrocytes are abundantly found cell types in the brain, a minor contribution of Aβ secretion by ...
Recent studies indicate that lipid rafts play an important role as pathological signaling platforms where receptors for Aβ oligomers are assembled [13]. It was also found that distinctive cell sensitivity to Aβ was essentially associated with cell membrane Aβ binding and this binding was ...
Aβ1-42 Has No Aβ and Impact on the Ion the ATP-sensitive Channel Activity of the Human P2X7R ionotropic P2X7R are suggested to play an important role in the ApβatahnogdentheseisAoTf PA-lszehnesimitievr'es idoinseoatsreo, paicnePu2rXod7eRgeanreerastiuvgegdeistoerdertochpalraayct...
Polyphenols play a central role in defense against oxidative stress. In our study, we investigated the antioxidant properties of simmondsin, a pure molecule present in jojoba seeds, and of the aqueous extract of jojoba seeds on fructose-induced oxidative stress in RINm5f beta cells. The exposure...