机动特遣队Beta-1是一个高度机密特遣队,专门应对渗透入基金会人员中的敌人,以及可能的对其他相关组织的信息泄露。MTF Beta-1的人员身份以及确切规模都编级为5级并只有O5议会和特遣队主管知道。 β7 机动特遣队Beta-7("Maz Hatters"-残局清洁工) 机动特遣队Beta-7擅长获取和收容展现出极端生物,化学,或辐射危机的异常...
預發布測試的更新橫幅。 漢化了部分貼圖(docGonzales.jpg、doc513.jpg、doc682.jpg、doc714.jpg、map_logo.jpg、doc860.jpg、doc895.jpg、doc939.jpg、badge2.png、decalpd6.png、doc966.jpg、doc970.jpg、doc1048.jpg、doc1048a.jpg、doc1162.jpg、doc1499.png、doc8601.jpg、docAC.jpg、BurntNoteTexture....
SCP-1800-1 will be compelled to subject Profile-Beta-1800-2 to sexual harassment and/or assault when both instances simultaneously exist. The level of depravity is dependent on the value of the currency. This anomaly is believed to have ties with Anomalous Art Movement Are We Cool Yet? SCP...
SCP Foundation logo. Security footage outside the containment area of SCP-895. Screenshot of a visual anomaly on the security cameras, caused by SCP-895. Site-81 SCP Foundation field codes. Nivagyeen's Site from SCP - Containment Breach. The site as it appears in SCP - Containment Breach...
“To involve and create our community, we will have beta tests and events with active people in the community. We also will have dev logs on progress of the game and what we are currently working on. People will also be allowed to submit suggestions to the game, within reason.” ...
However, far2's most long lasting and arguably most important contribution to the wiki, was the creation of the SCP "logo." In October of 2008 a forum post was made to propose the creation of an SCP Foundation logo. Several entries were made, and were met with unenthusiastic reception. ...
logo,MTF Alpha4-Pony Express,MTF Beta-7 Maz Hatters疯帽商,MTF Epsilon-9 Fire Eaters-噬火者,MTF Eta-11Savage Beasts-残忍野兽,MTF Gamma-13Asimov's Lawbringers阿西莫夫执法队,MTF Iota-10Damm Feds-该死的联邦探员,MTF Mu-4 Debuggers调试器,MTF Omega-0Ará Orún-天堂,MTF Omega-9洗刷者,MTF ...
不加默认为a1/a2,b1是废弃结局,音频无法播放) asd 无敌+穿墙 asd2 无敌+无限体力+173和106自动收容 unlockexits 解锁A和B门的电梯 tp 传送到九尾狐身边 heal 治疗自己 help 指令小全 kill 自杀 notarget NPC不攻击你 sanic 跑得更快 spawn 刷npc(记得空格) 可 1321 scp收容失效吧 我是谁$ beta测试版可以...
事后对项目进行检查时,发现其背壳的苹果logo下方出现一行文字,字体类似于某种草书: “禦劍乘風來,除魔天地間” 注释: 1. iPhone7手机所受重力 2. 事后的分析表明,该光焰可能具有超高温及强大的切割性。 SCP标签:safe scp 人造物品 原创 岿阳派 感知力 电子 ...
求地址,之前玩0.6.5,刚看到基萌的解说就来求下载了 分享2赞 roblox吧 风尘Pony 【游戏安利】Containment Breach [BETA] SCP-024-1这波来安利最近一直在玩,沉迷其中,无法自拔那么看到标题就知道肯定与SCP有关,如果了解SCP的,肯定对这个游戏是稍有理解(总比不了解SCP玩这个强),我一开始玩的时候是一脸蒙蔽,只听...