AMTF Nu-7的次级单位涉及SCP-1105的初次收容和进行中的SCP-939的收容。 ξ3 机动特遣队Xi-3("Body Snatchers"-掘墓盗尸人) 机动特遣队Xi-3擅长秘密引渡,审讯,和潜在收容被怀疑有异常影响或能力的知名人物,诸如政治家或名人,MTF Xi-3主要驻扎在Humanoid Containment Site-06,涉及SCP-069的初次收容。 π1 机动...
AMTF Nu-7的次级单位涉及SCP-1105的初次收容和进行中的SCP-939的收容。 ξ3 机动特遣队Xi-3("Body Snatchers"-掘墓盗尸人) 机动特遣队Xi-3擅长秘密引渡,审讯,和潜在收容被怀疑有异常影响或能力的知名人物,诸如政治家或名人,MTF Xi-3主要驻扎在Humanoid Containment Site-06,涉及SCP-069的初次收容。 π1 机动...
MTF Y-36, will be able to detain SCP-2852 wherein SCP-2852 will become host to the hive of SCP-5993, allowing them to exclusively subsist of SCP-2852's body and Akiva Radiation. - Professor Mint SCP-4445 - an Adjusted “Atwood-Noriega” Causal Harmonic Resonance Amplifier, built by ...
Security Protocol:The area has been surrounded by an electric fence, with signs warning against trespassing. Note:Analysis of the water flowing from Point Beta has revealed trace amounts of dust which appear to have originated on Earth's moon. MTF Gamma-4 is to be tasked with searching for ...
【MTF】Beta-..图中道具均改自淘宝发光玩具,查水表请淘宝TD2011Mobile Task Force Beta-7 "Maz Hatters":专门用于收容严重的生化泄漏和任何感染区域的善后清理工作。
logo,MTF Alpha4-Pony Express,MTF Beta-7 Maz Hatters疯帽商,MTF Epsilon-9 Fire Eaters-噬火者,MTF Eta-11Savage Beasts-残忍野兽,MTF Gamma-13Asimov's Lawbringers阿西莫夫执法队,MTF Iota-10Damm Feds-该死的联邦探员,MTF Mu-4 Debuggers调试器,MTF Omega-0Ará Orún-天堂,MTF Omega-9洗刷者,MTF ...
指令大全来了,notarget(所有东西无视你)godmode(无敌)noclip(穿墙)spawnitem key6(生成万能卡)spawnitem scp1499(生成1499)spawnitem scp500(生成万能药)spawnitem radio(生成对讲机)spawn 106(刷106)spawn 049(刷049)spawn 096(刷096)spawn scp0492(生成小僵尸)spawn mtf2(生成九尾狐)remdoors打开所有的门 ...
Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 was permitted to collaborate withMTF Nu-7 (“Hammer Down”)9to attempt incarceration. The following is a log of the attempted containment operation. [ACCESS CAPTURE OPERATION ALPHA] The operation was promptly ended at this point due to the casualties incurred. SCP-664...
Photographed Activity: Hastily fleeing from agents of an MTF unit dispatched to capture it. Photo Result: Apparently engaged in the activity of free falling from the edge of a snowy cliff. SCP-1440's eyes are closed and it is clutching at its left chest. Subject: SCP-1447-1 Photographed ...