SCP-096's Rage SCP-096's Scream Trivia He was created by author Dr Dan. SCP-096 is a popular character in video game mods and is popularly featured in mods forMinecraft,Roblox, andGarry's Mod, among others. Multiple other means have been attempted such as radiation, electricity, incinerat...
Trivia The SCP Foundation currently has nine known "series" of SCPs: Series I contains SCP-001 through SCP-999, Series II contains SCP-1000 through SCP-1999, Series III contains SCP-2000 throughSCP-2999, Series IV contains SCP-3000 through SCP-3999, Series V contains SCP-4000 through SCP-...
Current Heroes Wiki View Heroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid ||| Keter ||| Neutralized ||| Thaumiel ||| Archon Esoteric ||| Joke International French Branch Spanish Branch Japanese Branch Gods ||| Personnel...
5 Trivia In Game Keycards are essential if a player wants access certain parts of the facility, such as the armories, containment chambers, gates, SCP lockers, and other locked doors which require a Keycard to open. Different Keycards will open different doors depending on the Keycard's ac...
SCP Mod Wiki | Fandom The SCP Lockdown Mod is based on the SCP Foundation; a series of fictional fan written logs of anomalous items, entities. and locations. Items Blocks Trivia Bugs Forge Tutorials [1] ... SCP-...
Trivia[] Whatever 055 is, it can be potentially more dangerous thanSCP-579due to itsantimemeticproperties, but at this point there's no current data. Meta[] Kills[] Pietro Wilson- Unintentionally; timeline reset and Wilson was killed by a long fall into579.[2] ...
2 Trivia In Game Keycards are essential if a player wants access certain parts of the facility, such as the armories, containment chambers, gates, SCP lockers, and other locked doors which require a Keycard to open. Different Keycards will open different doors depending on the Keycard's ac...
保安是SCP - 收容失效中基金会的防御人员。他们被用来维持站点内的控制,以及控制SCP和D级人员。 描述 保安的作用是防止可能的收容失效事件发生,并确保D级人员遵守命令,不试图逃跑。目前为止...收容失效警卫mod是什么样的?【scp秘密实验室吧】...
TriviaThe first original photo of SCP-049 got taken down and replaced because the SCP Foundation could not reliably get sourced as being Creative Commons Compliant. The image was not licensed by the SCP wiki, which is why the photo was not to be used in derivative works that utilize content...
SCP-173 is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. It is a statue which can move at a very high speed and can snap the neck of any life form. It is perhaps the most famous SCP of all time and the first one ever written and caught. It is als