英文)中文) 新怪谈-096是新怪谈秘密实验室 中七个可以操作的SCP之一。 新怪谈-096 充当着进攻类的新怪谈角色, 能够与团队有效地推进,一旦被激怒,它就能撕裂大群目标。
According to Henzoid-Crocket Proposal, SCP-096 once went on a date withSCP-4885as part of "Containr - The Dating Service by anomalies, for anomalies.", but it didn't work out. External Links SCP-096–SCP FoundationWiki SCP-096–SCP Database Wiki ...
攻击效力:至少很小的建筑水平(在10,000米处随便撕裂一艘小潜艇),可能是建筑物水平(建议在被抗材料火箭射击后立即摧毁八个装甲V-22的鱼鹰),可能要高得多(指出地球上没有已知的材料,096不会撕裂),大建筑物到多重街区级(撕裂的基本形式682非常糟糕,以至于它产生了一堆血)) 速度:至少亚音速,可能是亚音速+(据说至...
Dr. Dan:No, no. I apologize. [Sighs] SCRAMBLE was really an ingenious idea. However, it was a failure because we did not fully know how SCP-096 worked. You see, as the chip inside SCRAMBLE picked up SCP-096’s facial features and began scrambling them, there was a split-second of ... 在一片哗然声下,一篇标题为“后果与锁骨”的文章的在SCP基金会中出现,此文中,scp-096被scp-173扭断锁骨后,特遣队队员往锁骨骨髓中发射子弹,随后scp-096死亡。 这不是普通的三流的文章,而是确确切切出现在主站的正统文章!这篇文章的出现掀起了一阵...
自0.6.5版本起SCP-096的模型。 图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册SCP-096的原始占位符模型(v0.6 - v0.6.4)。 图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册v0.7前SCP-096的上锁房间。 图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册SCP-096的好视角。 图片来自:Sonic_714的百度相册v0.6里SCP-096占位符模型的脸的近视角。 图片来自:Sonic_714...
The fastest path to SCP-096-1 has been cleared of civilians and other image-capturing devices, and SCP-096 is now being tracked by satellites via tracking collar. Dr. Dan: On your right, there should be another steel container. Open it. SCP-096-1: It’s a pad of paper and a ...
This is an index of all the "joke" articles on the SCP Wiki. If you are interested in contributing a Joke SCP, keep the following in mind: Joke SCPs must be funny. Site members will generally downvote jokes that they don't find funny. Pop culture and video game references don't ... [2] 解密:SCP-001:Tufto的提案 - 深红之王 [3] 新怪奇(新怪谈)白皮书:“新怪奇”已死? ...
SCP-096 ideas #1 More ways to anger : SCRAMBLE gear: ( Before encountering 096, the player could find a leftover pair of goggles laying around with a document explaining their purpose to scramble the image of 's face, but there should also...