According to Henzoid-Crocket Proposal, SCP-096 once went on a date withSCP-4885as part of "Containr - The Dating Service by anomalies, for anomalies.", but it didn't work out. External Links SCP-096–SCP FoundationWiki SCP-096–SCP Database Wiki ...英文)中文) 新怪谈-096是新怪谈秘密实验室 中七个可以操作的SCP之一。 新怪谈-096 充当着进攻类的新怪谈角色, 能够与团队有效地推进,一旦被激怒,它就能撕裂大群目标。
范围:大概是无远程的无限(无论位置如何,SCP-096都可以知道何时看到脸),否则近战范围 标准设备:无 情报:大概学习受损;虽然它似乎难以理解,但它确实理解了一个原始房屋的概念,正如所指出的,在各种杀戮之后,它以温顺的方式试图返回其原始栖息地 弱点:缺乏情感判断力(杀死妇女,并明确指出被屠杀的婴儿)SCP-096只能在看...
Special Containment Procedures:Three copies of SCP-096-J are to be kept on separate USB flash drives in the High Value Storage Locker at Site 38. Foundation cyberanalysis units should attempt to locate and eradicate any uncontained instances of SCP-096-J while in the course of other duties. ...
SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy" SCP-097 - Old Fairgrounds SCP-098 - Surgeon Crabs SCP-099 - The Portrait 100 to 199 SCP-100 - "Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee" SCP-101 - Hungry Bag SCP-102 - Property of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. SCP-103 - Rhys' Head/Mara's Heart SCP-104 - ...
Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. 001 to 099 SCP-001 - Awaiting De-classifi...
【SCP173官方W..警告:楼下存在高能图片,请先回帖写好遗书再继续浏览。琐事·现在的SCP-096的模型实际上先被创作。(v0.6.5与更新的),而SCP-096的占位符模型之后被做出(v0.6 - v0.6.4)。·SCP
Welcome to the SCP Foundation Wikia! This is a fan-run meta-wiki about the SCP Foundation Wiki on Wikidot, dedicated to collecting information on all real-world and in-universe subjects concerning the SCP Wiki. This wiki is currently under construction.
轻收容区是玩家第一个遇到的区域,通向重收容区。轻收容区主要用于收容及储存安全等级低等级的SCP,例如SCP-173和SCP-914。轻收容区的房间特征是混凝土墙壁和高天花板。 玩家必须拉下监控室的拉杆以解除轻收容区通往重收容区的检查点锁定,方可进入重收容区。 D级人员牢房是