In the final cutscene, it shows the Molded creatures being destroyed throughout the home, as well as the B.O.W Eveline (designated E-001) being effectively neutralized. Precautions are made so that bioweapons are never used in the United States again. Mia Winters is also found inside along...
SCP-001-KLN - A hostile sapient entity or entities with control over anomalous phenomena in all observable regions of space. SCP-001-SKA - Virulent manifestations of high-powered cosmic storms capable of widespread destruction across the universe, currently targeting Earth. SCP-001-KLN manipulates ...
来自VS Battles Wiki 、VsDebating Wiki 、Joke Battles Wikia、Omniversal Battlefield Wiki 3812 摘要 3812 是一个强大的、改变现实的实体,以前的名字叫萨姆-豪威尔;是一个非反常的非裔美国人,据信死于 1996 年,据说死后不久就从坟墓中复活并消失了。3812 具有改变现实的巨大能力,但同时也有严重的精神问题,其中包...
-SCP-001 4 years ago MyMom Follow 409 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews:0 User Lists:0 #8MyMom @properthe1: umm it surpasses that 🤣. Want proof? Lmao no. Marvel Cosmology wanked to infinity and beyond is ℵω (if we seriously wank that ...
SCP-001代号:Tufto - 深红之王 - 哔哩哔哩 2023年10月15日 描述:SCP-001是一般称为深红之王的实体。SCP-001当前同时存在于多个平行维度内,且无法进入主维度空间。然而,确信其已反复尝试进入主维度达数千少于300年时间... 哔哩哔哩 深红之王介绍- 哔哩哔哩 2018年12月21日 1、异界之门(SCP-2317):...
Omega7373663 PollSCP-3812 vs Bully Maguire (45 votes) 3812 stomp9% Bully put some dirt in his eyes91% Incon0% •3 years ago #1Edited ByOmega7373663 @rayuzaku, @lmaolmaolmao, @tagsorwhatever 3 years ago #2Albion21 Hahaha, Funny ...
001(Clef博士的提议)无法杀死682 682甚至无法自杀。 不能被杀死,因为343不允许他死亡。 技能 能够超越173,并通过形成全向视觉来保持境外。 理论上,它的适应能力将吸收60兆雄的炸弹。 被激光切割成三个独立的实体。 被发送到另一个维度并被后者本身拒绝,在不久之后形成翅膀。