SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and
This is an index of all the "joke" articles on the SCP Wiki. If you are interested in contributing a Joke SCP, keep the following in mind: Joke SCPs must be funny.Site members will generally downvote jokes that they don't find funny. ...
SCP-076-2: A humanoid of Sumerian descent that can summon a variety of weapons and if killed, revives in SCP-076-1. SCP-106 — The Old Man: An elderly humanoid with the ability to pass through any material and create pocket dimensions at any time. ...
Even GOC had folded and become our cannon fodder for things like 682 and 076-2. Peace reigns on Earth and over humanity, unified around its Foundation. For a while. What we forgot is that memes are infectious ideas. Just like biological viruses, they mutate in the wild and can appear ...
This is an index of all the "joke" articles on the SCP Wiki. If you are interested in contributing a Joke SCP, keep the following in mind: Joke SCPs must be funny. Site members will generally downvote jokes that they don't find funny. Pop culture and video game references don't ...
是虚皇吗 ?还是本源 分享3519 汪峰在吧 错误代码掌控者 汪吧SCP vs vbSCP如题,双方各自认定的最强scp对比,都取最高版本,谁更强? 汪吧SCP:至道,毒蛇,超常态,虚皇 vbSCP:数据库,SCP–2747,SCP–3125,SCP–6820 +5 分享919 影视科幻生物斗兽吧 七角佛祖 科普一下scp的战力之前看到有人说超人秒scp全体的,...
SCP Foundationon theSCP FoundationWiki SCP Foundationon theCreepypastaWiki SCP Foundationon theVillains Wiki SCP — Containment BreachWiki SCP Foundation Internal Departments Navigation ViewHeroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid...
scp官网链接:【SCP基金会】 1122241 bilibili吧 snack1996 【安利向】致敬scp基金会的游戏——脑叶公司 脑叶公司最强怪物——白夜! 魔法少女居然也是收容对象! 脑叶公司(Lobotomy Corporation)。一款模拟经营游戏,灵感来自scp基金会、林中小屋、第十三号仓库。派遣你的员工去管理...
SCP-076-2was one of the few SCPs who dealt intense damage to SCP-682.[15][8] Dr. Bright, a scientist of the Foundation whose soul was trapped inside SCP-963 and could take possession of its wearer, once tried to make 682 his new host. However, this didn't work, causing SCP-682...
scp官网链接:【SCP基金会】 1121231 全方位战力对比吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_5ReCSRV馃惥 scp最强战力有什么水平 分享190123 汪峰在吧 湛熙zhan 哪个版本三清最强好多小说里都有三清出现,各位觉得那个三清b格最高 1,蓝白社三清,超越一切次元的圣人 2,洪荒流三清,洪荒中最强的圣人之...