We secure you. We contain you. We protect you. And even if you still don't get why I'm doing this, please understand that I still love you.„ ~ O5-5 in SCP-001 (WJS' proposal) explaining to an escaped anomaly the real reason why they contain it. ...
Item #:SCP-001 Object Class:Euclid/Keter Special Containment Procedures:Because of the nature of SCP-001, no containment procedures are necessary. 24/7 monitoring of SCP-001 is to take place from a safe (10 km+) distance from a pre-determined location (Site 0). The location of Site 0 ...
The Factory is SCP-001. But it will never be written up. It was a choice I made early on in the creation of the Foundation, and a choice I still stand by. You researchers are far too curious. I'm not sure which scares me worse. That we'll never understand the Factory… or that...
SCP-001-J - The Big Red Button SCP-001½-J - The Big Blue Button SCP-001-EX-J - Records of the CKG Gathering SCP-001-D-J - The Way It Begins SCP-0001-J - World's Best Boss SCP-002-J - Amnesiac Treatment SCP-002-IT-J - The Doctor-Destroyer SCP-0002-J - Toilet Humor ...
SCP-001 (Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal)After the world was ravaged by the aliens known as the WEASELS?!, Pallit, an AI created by TotleighSoft to create art, ascended to godhood, becoming known as THE GODDESS, and took over the entire world. Pallit proceeded to reform the ...
SCP-001 There are multiple SCP-001s: When Dawn Breaks, the Scarlet King, and the Gate Guardian. All of them are strong and could defeat the hard-to-destroy reptile.In SCP-682's termination log, it even lost against the Gate Guardian. He is the coolest and the most badass, and he ...
~ Excerpt from the Finnfolk Penumbra in the "Seas of Orcadia Hub". In "NIGHTFALL: Qui Lactis" in which the god is a known figure, Yaldabaoth is known as Yaldaboath-who-was-Wan. Links YaldabaothonSCPOneCanonProject Wiki YaldaboathonOmniversal Battlefield!
SCP-KS-001“基沃托斯” SCP-KS-001“基沃托斯” 项目等级:Euclid 特殊收容措施:在项目的内部空间设置多个站点,并就像对待地球一样进行保密行动,并设置传送门连接地球与该项目。 描述:项目为一个被称作“基沃托斯(Kivotos)”的世界,拥有类似地球上的生态、生命、人。不过人们的头上拥有被称作“光环”的物体,该物体...
-SCP-001 4 years ago MyMom Follow 409 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews:0 User Lists:0 #8MyMom @properthe1: umm it surpasses that 🤣. Want proof? https://discord.gg/9v74ss Lmao no. Marvel Cosmology wanked to infinity and beyond is ℵω (if we seriously wank that ...