He said: "It will be for the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people to decide that. 'Labour would allow Scotland vote' In an interview at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the Shadow Chancellor said: "It will be for the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people to decide. McDonnell green...
When Reform UK took the lead in a recent YouGov poll, I pointed out the oddity that in doing so, they hadn't quite matched their all-time high vote share with YouGov. Or at least not technically, ... Alba members have finally been sent the report of the Constitution Review Gro......
Scottish Parliament votes for another independence referendumAdam BienkovAdam Payne
Galloway stood as a Respect candidate in the 2016 London mayoral election, but lost to the Labour nominee, Sadiq Khan; finishing in seventh place with 1.4% of the vote. He stood as an independent for election to parliament in 2017, in the Manchester Gorton constituency, gaining 5.7% of the...
Alyn Smith, a pro-independence Scottish member of the European Parliament and a former corporate lawyer, said that the British government did what was best for the United Kingdom, not necessarily for Scotland. "The U.K. does not incentivize how to grow the Scottish economy, but the U.K. ...
Although the vote to have another Independence Referendum had the will of the Scottish parliament and thus the people of Scotland, all the Unionists parties, Labour, Conservative and LibDems chose wilfully to ignore it and set about defying that Will. What followed was literally Mayhem! General ...
Bill Walker, former Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Dunfermline Constituency, has welcomed the positive reception to Volume 1 of his recently published autobiography, ‘Bill Walker: My Story’ and advises of the forthcoming release of Volume 2. ...
Queen approves Boris Johnson's request to suspend Parliament ahead of Brexit dea As leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), he helped to push support for Scottish independence to a record level but Scotland ultimately voted to stay part of the United Kingdom in a 2014 referendum. Former...
the English parliament was understandably looking for peace and stability. After the disastrous Darien expedition of the late 17thcentury had drained much of Scotland capital, it was a matter of opportunity and expediency to pay the largely aristocratic members of the Scottish parliament to vote thems...
“For Scotland to become independent following a yes vote, legislation would have to be passed by the U.K. and Scottish Parliaments,” Sturgeon stressed. Sturgeon maintains that her party's success in local elections last year gives her a mandate for a fresh referendum. While the Scottish Na...