He said: "It will be for the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people to decide that. 'Labour would allow Scotland vote' In an interview at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the Shadow Chancellor said: "It will be for the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people to decide. McDonnell green...
They are worried about its economic impact and the vote on Tuesday, despite having no binding effect, is a way of formalizing their political opposition. May herself is struggling to come up with changes to a Brexit deal which could unite a fragmented national parliament at Westminster ...
Scottish Parliament votes for another independence referendumAdam BienkovAdam Payne
The focus, rather, is on more traditional concerns -turnout, postal voting and the outcome of the Parliament election – but I also discuss the impact of the introduction of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for Council elections. The rejected ballots controversy is the subject of a ...
Scottish Parliament votes for independence referendum Nicola Sturgeon’s call backed as Conservatives rule out second vote until after Brexit ByDenis StauntonTue Mar 28 2017 - 20:07 Micheál Martin seeks to strip emotion from united Ireland topic ...
However by giving your second vote to the ISP there is a fair chance of reaching a clear Independence majority in the parliament, and also the chance to keep the SNP honest in pushing for independence. All of that fails however, if the Independence vote is split between a number of ...
the English parliament was understandably looking for peace and stability. After the disastrous Darien expedition of the late 17thcentury had drained much of Scotland capital, it was a matter of opportunity and expediency to pay the largely aristocratic members of the Scottish parliament to vote thems...
Even if the referendum does go ahead, a majority vote will not by itself make Scotland independent from the rest of the U.K. “For Scotland to become independent following a yes vote, legislation would have to be passed by the U.K. and Scottish Parliaments,” Sturgeon stressed. ...
Queen approves Boris Johnson's request to suspend Parliament ahead of Brexit dea As leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), he helped to push support for Scottish independence to a record level but Scotland ultimately voted to stay part of the United Kingdom in a 2014 referendum. Former...
vote, it could rob the SNP of an absolute majority in Parliament. However, polls suggest that the openly pro-independence Scottish Green Party – allied with the SNP in the current government since 2016 – is set to reassert its power in Edinburgh following the regi...