"Voting in the Scottish Parliament: The First Year." British Elections and Parties Review (11): 84-103.Cowley, P. (2001) `Voting in the Scottish Parliament: The First Year' in J. Tonge, L. Bennie, D. Denver and L. Harrison British Elections and Parties Review Vol.11 (London; Frank...
Linking coalition attitudes and split-ticket voting: The Scottish Parliament elections of 2007 The Scottish Parliament elections of 2007 were the third to be held under the country's mixed-member proportional system. As voters continue to adapt to th... CJ Carman,R Johns - 《Electoral Studies》...
Scottish parliament did not lack courage in voting against assisted suicide bill in 2015 doi:10.1136/bmj.q979The BMJMary Neal
The focus, rather, is on more traditional concerns -turnout, postal voting and the outcome of the Parliament election – but I also discuss the impact of the introduction of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for Council elections. The rejected ballots controversy is the subject of a ...
Is the Scottish Parliament permanent? The British parliamentary general election is held every What do committees do in the Scottish Parliament? How are laws made in the Scottish Parliament? When are elections held in a parliamentary system?
Scottish parliament supports minority government?s tax and spending plans after intensive negotiations The SNP minority government has passed its budget and avoided triggering an early election after securing a coalition of support across the constitutional divide at HolyroodThe tax and spending ... ...
Prior to the last minute announcement of Alex Salmond and the appearance of the Alba party on the scene I was so downhearted that I was seriously considering not voting at all in the upcoming Scottish Parliament Election. I didn’t feel that I could give the SNP my vote after the debacle...
Scottish Swimming have a petition in the Scottish Parliament at the moment to keep swimming pools open as they are so vital not just for swimmers but for other sports such as our own who use them for techniques, training and safety.
(with ten members voting in favour and one against) that it recommend to the Parliament that the draft be approved. Before doing so, the Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs (Annabelle Ewing) gave a brief summary and explanation of the draft legislation and the Committee had the ...
the English parliament was understandably looking for peace and stability. After the disastrous Darien expedition of the late 17thcentury had drained much of Scotland capital, it was a matter of opportunity and expediency to pay the largely aristocratic members of the Scottish parliament to vote thems...