Previous behavioural research on live sea lions has shown that they are able to detect the direction of oncoming vortices, even when impacting contralaterally. These experiments showed that the whisker system and the animal’s neural processing is seemin
For sea lions, mean body length was calculated from sex-specific range data in27; for humans, mean body length was calculated by multiplying sex-specific standing height values by average “sitting-ratios” as provided in28. Vocalization database With the exception of humans and Bolivian red ...
Kumarikandam is another name for Lemuria, but Dr.G gets his timelines mixed up.“Theories about Lemuria became untenable when, in the 1960s, the scientific community accepted Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift, “ old codger / March 31, 2024 11 1 LS,“, The oldest huma...
It is concluded that scientific inference using mechanistic models and fine scale data at the level of the rookery can provide useful information about the interactions of fisheries, fish populations, and Steller sea lions. 展开 关键词: adaptive management ecosystem based fishery management steller ...
Scientific inference and experiment in Ecosystem Based Fishery Management, with application to Steller sea lions in the Bering Sea and Western Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Policy 34, 836-843.Mangel, M (2010) Scientific inference and experiment in ecosystem based fishery management, with application to ...
The Actor and the Hydroplanic Sea Serpent of the White Star Line What’s going on with ChatGPT and the name ‘David Mayer’? FBI Records Cast Doubt on Actions of UFO Author Frank Salisbury The Alien Perspective I Official Trailer – YouTube ...
Please include your name and mailing address, and cite the article and the issue in which it appeared. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. We regret that we cannot answer all correspondence. For general inquiries: Scientifi c American 415 Madison Ave. New York, NY ...
Name Paeonia L. Vernacular names Internationalization Català: Peònia Česky: Pivoňka Deutsch: Pfingstrosen English: Peony Español: Paeoniaceae Français: Pivoine Italiano: Paeonia 日本語: 牡丹 Lietuvių: Bijūniniai augalai Norsk (bokmål): Peonfamilien ...
The binomial name Crocodylus niloticus is derived from the Greek kroko ("pebble"), deilos ("worm", or "man"), referring to its rough skin; and niloticus, meaning "from the Nile River". The Nile crocodile is called Timsah al-Nil in Arabic, Mamba in Swahili, Garwe in Shona, Ngwenya ...
The United Republic of Tanzania has announced it will protect a globally unique forest ecosystem in East Africa, following research that demonstrated it is under threat from illegal activities including tree-cutting for charcoal and the poaching of eleph