The Australian sea lion’s diet consists of a wide range of marine animals. It includes cephalopods such as octopus, cuttlefish and squid; fish such as wrasse, cods, leatherjackets, mullets, perch, flatheads, rays and small sharks; and crustaceans such as crabs, rock lobster and prawns. Th...
On land, the California sea lion is far less elegant. It uses both pairs of flippers, together with movements of the head and neck, to walk. When moving on land the California sea lionturns its rear flippers forwards– something that the ‘true seals’ in the family Phocidae are unable ...
Otariidae Scientific Name Otariidae Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Sea Lion Conservation Status Near Threatened Sea Lion Locations OceanSea Lion Facts Main Prey Fish, Crabs, Squid Habitat Coastal waters and rocky shorelines Predators Human, Sharks, Killer Whale Diet Omnivore Ave...
Today, all pinnipeds are protected by theMarine Mammal Protection Act(MMPA) in the U.S. and there are several species protected under the Endangered Species Act (e.g., Steller sea lion,Hawaiian monk seal.) Threatened species include the Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi) and the St...
The South American sea lions are large Otariidae with surprisingly many names such as hair seals, seal lion, sea wolf, and many others. Males are certainly large and clearly distinguishable from females from their enormous heads and well-developed manes.
Common Name: Steller Sea Lion Scientific Name: Eumetopias jubatus Description Steller's sea lion, or northern sea lion, is the largest member of the family of eared seals - Otariidae. A bull Steller's sea lion weighs an average of 1,300 pounds and measures approximately eleven feet long, ...
Octopuses have different brain structures, depending on their habitat and lifestyle. For example, octopuses living in deep waters with limited interactions with other animals have brains similar to rodents. In contrast, reef octopuses have much larger brains with some properties similar to primates, ...
Scientific Name Echinoidea Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Sea Urchin Conservation Status Near Threatened Sea Urchin Locations OceanSea Urchin Facts Main Prey Algae, Fish, Barnacles Optimum pH Level 6.0-9.0 Habitat Rocky ocean floor and coral reefs Predators Fish, Birds, Crabs,...
Alternatively, her age class may have influenced her engagement with the EED devices, as two yearling CSLs, Unity and Amber, also interacted less with the EEDs compared to the younger sea lion pups; this would be consistent with age differences in enrichment engagement seen in dolphins [40]. ...
Scientific Name:Enhydra lutris Common Name:Sea otters Basic Animal Group:Mammal Size:3.3–4.9 feet Weight:31–99 pounds Lifespan:10–20 years Diet:Carnivore Habitat:Coastlines of the North Pacific Rim, from northern Japan to the central Baja peninsula ...