SCCM maintains logs that can provide insights into the root causes of issues. Review the relevant logs, such as AppDiscovery.log, AppEnforce.log, or ClientIDManagerStartup.log, to identify any errors or issues that may be causing the Software Center to fail to load. Repairing SCCM Client Co...
移动设备管理日志文件如果站点层次结构中启用了移动设备管理则移动设备管理点日志文件通常存储在移动设备管理点计算机上的configmgr安装路径logs文件夹中 SCCM日志文件注解 Microsoft SystemCenterConfiguration Manager 2007中的所有客户端和站点服务器组件都将过程信息记录在单个日志文件中。您可以使用客户端和站点服务器日志文件...
默认情况下, ConfigurationManager2007客户端计算机日志文件可在CCMLogs中找到。对于同样是管理点的客户端计算机,您可以在% ProgramFiles%SMS_CCMLogs中找到日志文件。日志文件名称描述Ccmcca.loglocationservices.log此文件根据Configuration M 37、anager NAP策略处理记录符合性评估处理。它还包含符合性所需的每个软件更新...
默认情况下,Configuration Manager 2007 客户端计算机日志文件位于 %windir%\System32\CCM\Logs 或 %windir%\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs 中。对于同样是管理点的客户端计算机,客户端日志文件位于 SMS_CCM\Logs 文件夹中。 ciagent.log 提供有关下载、存储和访问已分配的配置基线的信息。 dcmagent.log 提供有关已分配的配置...
大多数 Configuration Manager 2007 站点服务器日志文件位于 <安装路径>\Logs 文件夹中。由于 Configuration Manager 2007 对 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 的依赖性很强,您可以查看 IIS 日志文件中是否存在与客户端访问 IIS 服务器相关的其他错误。IIS 日志文件位于 IIS 服务器上的 %Windir%\System...
MicrosoftSystemCenterConfigurationManager(SCCM)边界配置与优化 在MicrosoftSystemCenterConfigurationManager(SCCM)的管理和部署过程中,边界配置起着至关重要的作用。边界配置帮助SCCM定义了客户端计算机的网络位置,这对于优化网络流量、提高响应时间和确保系统安全等方面都有重大影响。本章节将深入探讨SCCM的边界配置最佳实践与一些...
Windows Servicing Logs Windows Update Agent Logs WSUS Server Logs for SCCM SCCM Log Files for macOS Software Center Logs Distribution Point Log Files Application Groups Log Files Location of SCCM Logs The location of Configuration Manager (SCCM) log files depends on whether you’re looking for clie...
We did test imaging a test computer, and the software center worked fine, as soon as it got AirWatch enabled, the Software Center would prompt the above error again. There are 2 things in the logs that jump out at me: 1. in the SCClient log, it states "failed to build instance path...
0x87D00324 -->The application was not detected after installation completed. what did the logs say appenforce.log ?
After you restart the SCCM client on a computer, you can monitor the client restart process usingccmexec.log. The ccmexec.log records the activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service. This log file is located inC:\Windows\CCM\Logson the client computer. ...