日志位于客户端 %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs 文件夹 站点服务器日志文件: 位于服务器端 <安装路径>\Logs 文件夹中 管理点日志文件、网络访问保护日志文件、操作系统部署日志文件、软件更新站点服务器日志文件、所需的配置管理日志文件: 都位于服务器端SMS_CCM\LOGS 文件夹中 软件更新站点服务器日志文件: 位于服务器...
After you restart the SCCM client on a computer, you can monitor the client restart process usingccmexec.log. The ccmexec.log records the activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service. This log file is located inC:\Windows\CCM\Logson the client computer. The below log snippet sho...
1. Have you checked this option "" on the Software update point Properties of your site server?2. Have you ran the following command on the SUP server successfully?wsusutil.exe ConfigureSsl <WSUS server FQDN>Also check if there're any errors in the LocationServices.log on your client....
If the configuration baseline is deployed to a computer, it is evaluated for compliance within two hours of the start time that you schedule. If it is deployed to a user, it is evaluated for compliance when the user logs on. In addition, I hope the following article will be helpful to ...
The same error was still observed and additional error 101 was also observed after including the /mp as below logs. Have done a quick check on the logs and the certificate for the client seems to be ok Also quick check as to why /mp is still required? As the client ...
Client.msi_uninstall.log: Records the uninstallation of the SCCM client agent on a Windows computer. To monitor the SCCM client agent uninstall, go to C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs on the computer and open the ccmsetup.log file to monitor the client uninstallation. The line “CcmSetup is exitin...
部分WINXP系统在运行安装客户端操作时,在客户端上没有任何日志记录,查看SCCM的安装日志(C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\ccm.log)报以下错误: WNetAddConnection2 failed (LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS) using account xxx\xxx (00000035) ...
I pick one computer randomly and start looking at Software Update logs on the client side . The software update logs that helps to identify the scan issues are WUAHandler.log (CCM\logs),windowsupdate.log(%Windir%) WUAHandler.log log shows ,client started to search for windows u...
In real time you can watch the logs:复制 tail -f /var/opt/microsoft/scxcm.log To get the most detail for testing configure the existing SCCM client for LINUX in trace mode. Once you have restarted the client, initiate a policy pull and GREP on the package ID. A simple...
On a client machine to troubleshoot issues related software/patch deployment (via SCCM), a set of information would be required from the respective machine.I have developed a powershell script LogCollection v1.0 to collect such required information from the reported machine. This might be useful...