default path is “C:WindowsCCMLogs”. The log files are named according to the component or feature they relate to. For example, the “ClientLocation.log” file logs information about the client’s location, while the “SoftwareCenter.log” file logs information about the Software Center ...
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 6:55 AM Hi, Have you found any related errors in the WindowsUpdate.log on these clients? Also for the updates' download and installation you can also examine these logs on the client-side: UpdatesDeployment.log, UpdatesHandler.log, CAS.log, DataTransferService.log...
日志文件审查:SCCM升级过程会生成一系列日志文件,通常存储在C:\SConfigMgr\Logs目录下。定期审查日志文件,以快速识别并解决任何出现的问题。 完成升级后的验证: 功能测试:在升级完成后,执行一系列功能测试,验证SCCM的全部功能是否正常工作,包括软件部署、补丁管理、设备监控等。 性能监控:升级后,密切监控SCCM服务器和数...
查看监视-组件状态,发现SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER有错误警告,查看CM服务器日志文件C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\wsyncmgr.log,报以下错误: *** *** Unknown SQL Error! $$<SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER><03-06-2015 02:11:11.449-480><thread=4036 (0xFC4)> Failed to sync update 57a02...
WSUS安装完成后不需要配置,在CM添加软件更新点时再配置。 参考: 本文转自 lorysun 51CTO博客,原文链接:
When I run a Software Updates - E. Troubleshooting report, I'm asked to select the Update Source ID, the problem is that it lists two sources and we only have one WSUS server and only one ...
在上述示例中,我们为名为’IT_Operations’的用户组授予了“SoftwareUpdatePointAdministrator”角色的完全访问权限,这限制了对软件更新点的管理操作仅对特定IT团队开放,增强系统的安全性。 17.9SCCM与防火墙的兼容性问题 企业防火墙通常会阻挡SCCM的通信流量,造成部署和管理操作的失败。确保SCCM与防火墙的兼容性,对于实现无...
Ccmcca.log - Logs the processing of compliance evaluation based on Configuration Manager NAP policy processing and contains the processing of remediation for each software update required for compliance. CIAgent.log - Tracks the process of remediation and compliance. However, the software updates log ...
此日志文件位于 Mac 计算机上的 /Library/Logs 文件夹中。此外,站点系统服务器上的日志文件 SMS_DM.log 记录 Mac 计算机与为移动设备和 Mac 计算机启用的管理点之间的通信。Configuration Manager 站点服务器日志文件下列部分列出在站点服务器上找到的或者与特定站点系统角色相关的日志文件。站点服务器和站点系统服务器...
Once installed you need to make sure that it is configured the logs which can be of help are WCM.log and WSUSctrl.log. If you find errors then make sure that the WSUS is working well. For the same you can check the following link