默认情况下,在%Windir%\ CCM \ Logs中找到Configuration Manager Client客户端计算机日志文件。对于也是管理点的客户端计算机,可以在%Program Files%\ SMS_CCM \ Logs中找到日志文件。 Windows Update代理日志文件是Windows update.log文件,提供有关Windows Update代理何时连接到WSUS服务器并检索软件更新信息的信息。 要...
日志位于客户端 %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs 文件夹 站点服务器日志文件: 位于服务器端 <安装路径>\Logs 文件夹中 管理点日志文件、网络访问保护日志文件、操作系统部署日志文件、软件更新站点服务器日志文件、所需的配置管理日志文件: 都位于服务器端SMS_CCM\LOGS 文件夹中 软件更新站点服务器日志文件: 位于服务器...
please share the scanagent.log of the machine not receiving the update. Moreover can you make sure that the SUP is a part of the boundary group of those client machine. Tuesday, February 26, 2019 6:25 PM Yes I am positive they are deployed. I have 1 update group and deployment ...
解决办法:下载官方的补丁文件(用于 Windows Server 2003 的后台智能传输服务 (BITS) 2.5 (KB923845)),安装后可解决此问题。 下载地址:http://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN/download/details.aspx?id=4933 安装完KB923845补丁后重启客户端电脑,Client会自动安装。 个别客户端第一次安装失败,报以下错误: [InstallFromMa...
The app update has to be cancelled from the Store itself or using wsreset.exe from Run. Refer to the Windows Update logs after you have decoded the etl. Look for following entries: 11/17/2016 08:48:39.74543 AM 6440 6536 downloadjob_cpp183 [ComApi] * START * Downloa...
日志文件位置:smslogs;.McsExec.log提供关于多播包、命名空间管理、会话创建和多播健康检查的信息。日志文件位置:sms_ccmlogsMcsISAPI.log提供关于多播服务点Configuration Manager 2007客户端请求响应的信息。日志文件位置:SMS_CCMLogsMcsPrv.log提供关于多播组件和Windows部署服务(WDS)组件之间交互的信息,例如创建、读取...
http://blog.scottbreen.tech/2016/01/21/windows-update-error-80072ee2-wsus/ Which refers to increasing the memory limit on the WSUS Pool in IIS. Even though these are connection errors, it seems the clients were timing out due to the SUP server not responding in time. Probably because it...
二、Windows Update补丁更新失败问题 在部署完SCCM软件更新点后,发现客户端没有更新补丁,在软件更新组的统计信息状态为:未知 检查客户端WUAHandler日志(C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\WUAHandler.log),发现有以下错误: [Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server http://...
I realize sometimes that partial log files can be just as bad as no logfiles, so here's everything written to the Windows Update log during a complete cycle:prettyprint Copier 2016/10/02 13:03:00.1288371 11788 25028 ComApi * START * Init Search ClientId = CcmExec 2016/10/02 13:03:...
ClientIDManagerStartup.log 记录客户端 GUID 的创建和维护以及客户端计算机的注册状态。可以帮助诊断客户端在硬件更改或 Windows 激活以后更改其 GUID 的情况。 ClientLocation.log 记录站点分配任务。可以帮助诊断客户端没有分配到 Configuration Manager 2007 站点的情况。 DataTransferService.log 记录策略或包访问的后台...