scatter_max函数是由PyTorch提供的一种非常方便的张量函数,它可以通过指定参数来对张量进行排序和索引。下面是scatter_max函数的基本格式: output, indices = torch.scatter_max(input, dim, dim_size=None, out=None, dim=None) input是一个多维张量,即需要进行搜索的张量;dim是需要在哪一维度进行搜索,dim_size...
也非常简单,其实就是额外使用一个batch变量,这个是pytorch 可以看到batch=[625]就是说一共615个节点,然后t=[5],t代表target,说明这个Batch的数据一共5个图。 batch长这样: 所以0 1 2 分别代表不同的图,这样就可以进行区分了。 那么这样的话,进行图卷积运算的时候,运算到最后需要去将图中值最大的node拿出来...
It is expected that scatter_add works, since we use the implementation provided by PyTorch. I guess you are not using the provided wheels, do you? Have you tried them? Author yzhangee commented Mar 15, 2021 The environment is pytorch 1.7.1 with cuda 10.2. I have reinstalled torch-...
) # PyTorch only allows index shape <= src shape, so we can only consider # taking index as subset size to src, like PyTorch does. When sizes for src # and index are not matched or there are dynamicaxes, we take index shape to # slice src to accommodate. if src_sizes != index_...
Hi :) I am getting an unexpected behavior when using scatter_max operator with Pytorch 1.3. Setup: ipdb> torch.__version__ '1.3.0+cu92' ipdb> torch_scatter.__version__ '1.3.2' Command to install torch: pip3 install torch==1.3.0+cu92 torc...
開發者ID:rusty1s,項目名稱:pytorch_geometric,代碼行數:19,代碼來源 示例3: softmax1 ▲點讚 6▼ # 需要導入模塊: import torch_scatter [as 別名]# 或者: from torch_scatter importscatter_max[as 別名]defsoftmax1(src, index, num_nodes=None):r"""Computes a sparsely evaluated...
rusty1s / pytorch_scatter Public Notifications Fork 175 Star 1.5k Code Issues 31 Pull requests 1 Actions Security Insights New issue scatter_max bug: always return out-of-(upper)bound index, value associated with it is 0 #438 ...
Hi, When I am using the scatter_max function on cpu, it works as expected. However, when moving all tensors and models to GPU, the functions stops working, return 0 for the max values and index + 1 for the argmax. I am using windows 11, ...
rusty1s / pytorch_scatter Public Notifications Fork 174 Star 1.4k Code Issues 29 Pull requests Actions Security Insights New issue [scatter_max] RuntimeError: Not compiled with CUDA support (torch 1.10.0+cu102, torch_scatter 2.0.9, Ubuntu 20.02) ...