Creature: Scaly-foot Snail (Chrysomallon squamiferum) Abilities: 1. Mineral Armor: The Scaly-foot Snail has a unique armor-like shell covered in iron sulfide scales. In the game, this creature could have a durable and highly resistant shell, providing increased defense and protecting the rid...
Biomineralization, a key driving force underlying dramatic morphological diversity, is widely adopted by metazoans to incorporate inorganic minerals into their organic matrices. The scaly-foot snailfrom deep-sea hot ventsuniquely possesses hundreds of sclerites on its foot in addition to a coiled shell,...
The Scaly-foot Snail, Chrysomallon squamiferum, presents a combination of biomineralised features, reminiscent of enigmatic early fossil taxa with complex shells and sclerites such as sachtids, but in a recently-diverged living species which even has iron-infused hard parts. Thus the Scaly-foot ...
With its triple layer of defense, the scaly-foot snail is impervious to attack by predator crabs, which try to crush the shell with their powerful claws. 有了这三层的保护,鳞足蜗牛就可以抵御螃蟹的攻击。 jw2019 Researchers hope to copy the structure of the scaly-foot snail’s shell in...
The Shell of the Scaly-Foot Snail Awake!, 6/2011 Ulita šupinovky Probuďte se!, 6/2011 jw2019 I love your scaly green ass no matter what! Miluju tvou šupinatou prdel, ať se děje, co se děje! OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Er, well, the only thing I can think of mig...
The Shell of the Scaly-Foot Snail Fjällfotssnäckans skal jw2019 - Ice (300 to 400 g of ice flakes, scaly ice or crushed ice) is added to the digestion fluid, bringing its volume up to about 2 litres. - Is (300-400 g findelad is) tillsätts till vätskan så att ...
The Shell of the Scaly-Foot Snail Pullu Ayaklı Salyangozun Kabuğu jw2019 Be right back, scaly. Hemen geliyorum pullu. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The hide is scaly. Derisi pul pul. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Young birds have a scaly back, and may show some brown in the tail. Gen...
The Shell of the Scaly-Foot Snail Pullu Ayaklı Salyangozun Kabuğu jw2019 Be right back, scaly. Hemen geliyorum pullu. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 The hide is scaly. Derisi pul pul. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Young birds have a scaly back, and may show some brown in the tail. Gen...