Scaly-foot gastropodHydrothermal vents on mid-oceanic ridges are patchily distributed and host many taxa endemic to deep-sea chemosynthetic environments, whose dispersal may be constrained by geographical barriers. The aim of this study was to investigate the connectivity of three populations of the '...
scaly-foot gastropod Scaly-foot Gastropod: The Snail With an Iron Fist Foot Nov 18, 2013 | bizarre, cool, Crysomallon squamiferum, deep sea, scaly-foot gastropod | 0 Habitat: deep sea; Kairei hydrothermal vent field, on the Central Indian Ridge Status: Not Listed... Read More ...
Crysomallon squamiferum, common name the scaly-foot gastropod, is a species of deep sea hydrothermal vent snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Peltospiridae. This species was discovered in 2001 on the bases of black smokers at the Kairei hydrothermal vent field, on the Central ...
From JAMSTEC:Scaly foot–a spiral gastropod clad in iron sulfide scales Found only in an extremely limited region of hyrdothermal areas within the Indian Ocean, which is called “Kairei Field”. As the name suggests, this creature is covered in rugged scales that protect it from predators. Ho...
The Scaly-foot Snail, Chrysomallon squamiferum, is unique among gastropod molluscs in having dense, imbricating chitinous sclerites covering the whole distal surface of the soft foot6, forming a dermal scale armour in addition to a solid calcium carbonate coiled shell (Fig. 1). These hard ...
hydrothermal-vent gastropodscleriteA gastropod from a deep-sea hydrothermal field at the Rodriguez triple junction, Indian Ocean, has scale-shaped structures, called sclerites, mineralized with iron sulfides on its foot. No other organisms are known to produce a skeleton consisting of iron sulfides. ...
Kentaro, NakamuraHiromi, WatanabeJunichi, MiyazakiKen, TakaiShinsuke, KawagucciTakuro, NoguchiSuguru, NemotoTomoo, WatsujiTakuya, MatsuzakiTakazo, Shibuya
It is exactly this kind of hostile environment that one of the most recent mollusc acquisitions at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales (AC-NMW) came from: a spectacular marine snail called the 'scaly-foot gastropod', or for those of you who like Greek and Latin, Chrysomallon squami...