Scaled Agile, Inc., but we hereby grant permission to the person or entity downloading them to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and use these graphics, free of charge, on the condition that: (1) you do not compete with any product or training provided by or for Scaled Agile, Inc...
The Scaled Agile Framework is supported by the SAFe® Studio platform and Scaled Agile’s dedicated Customer Success Team. To ensure success for teams and the enterprise, an extensive network of 500+Scaled Agile Partnersprovide strategic advisory services, implementation support, training, coaching, ...
while the competencies that support strategy development are on the right. The Lean-Agile Leadership competency which is the foundation is in the bottom middle. The customer is prominently featured at the center as the focal point for all the competencies. Measure and Grow at the top right is...
DPF (“UK Extension”), and (iii) the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (“Swiss-U.S. DPF”) (collectively, the “Data Privacy Framework”) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Scaled Agile has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that Scaled Agile adheres to...
使用這個範本以遵循 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 法則。SAFe 會定義角色、活動、構件和工作流程,並提供最佳實務與指引,來協助企業接受商業層次(SAFe 稱之為「組合」層次)的精實敏捷原則,並將這些原則運用在用以編排敏捷團隊計劃間之軟體與產品交付的「價...
Scaled Agile Framework® Essential SAFe® 組合SAFe® 大型解決方案 SAFe® 快速參考對應 SAFe® 的 Azure Boards 實作注意 本文是一組適用於 Azure Boards 和 Azure DevOps Services 的 Scaled Agile Framework® 教學課程。 大部分的指導方針都適用於雲端和內部部署版本。 不過,某些功能和程式是雲端或...
如果有兴趣使用 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®),可以将 Azure Boards 项目配置为跟踪 SAFe® 可交付结果。 正如 Azure Boards 支持 Scrum 和敏捷做法一样,它也可以支持 SAFe® 和大量团队协作处理跨版本的长篇故事。本教程说明了以下 SAFe® 工件如何映射到特定 Azure Boards 工件。
Scaled Agile Framework® 基本SAFe® 项目组合 SAFe® 大型解决方案 SAFe® 显示另外 4 个 Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 许多企业受益于各个敏捷团队。 随着组织的发展,对扩展敏捷做法的兴趣越来越大。 企业查看许多敏捷团队和整个项目组合的进度的需求不断...
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 方法是一个行业标准框架,可帮助组织敏捷扩展和精益生产,从而达到企业级别。 使用此模板来建立具有大型解决方案层的产品服务组合工具环境,以用于完整 SAFe 5.0 配置。 此环境与一个或多个基本 SAFe 计划或团队工具环境相关联。
Scaled Agile Framework(简称SAFe)是知识性组织的管理与工作流模型。它是Scaled Agile,Inc的注册商标,能够被广泛的免费使用。它的目的就是用来指导企业扩展敏捷的实践,用来解决上文中所谈的大型企业中多个敏捷团队协同工作的问题,与之相应的有许多类同的模型,如 Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), Disciplined agile delivery...