You can learn more about the significant changes in the “What’s New in SAFe 6.0” overview. Our Mission Since the earliest days at Scaled Agile, our core belief has been simple:Better software and systems make the world a better place. Version 6.0 represents an ambitious expansion of that...
The main components of SAFe are described in the following sections. Figure 2. SAFe Big Picture with configuration tabs Overview - Seven Core Competencies Figure 3. The SAFe Overview © 2025 Scaled Agile, Inc. Get News Terms of Use Privacy Policy Code of Conduct Remote Training Policy...
需求管理是 SAFe® 方法的一個重要層面,採取系統觀點看待要交付的特性,擷取預期的行為、模型、線框及相關需求,以推動反覆運算方法來交付特性。 這個版本提供兩個預先定義的程序範本,支援 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe),協助您擷取所有配置之間預期的行為和相關需求: 完整:「組合」層...
If you need more-detailed guidance, see Agile Portfolio Management: Using TFS to support backlogs across multiple teams.You’ll need to be a project administrator in TFS to perform these steps.Create and configure each Program teamFrom the Overview page for the team project, create a new team...
Scaled Agile Framework® Essential SAFe® 組合SAFe® 大型解決方案 SAFe® 快速參考對應 SAFe® 的 Azure Boards 實作注意 本文是一組適用於 Azure Boards 和 Azure DevOps Services 的 Scaled Agile Framework® 教學課程。 大部分的指導方針都適用於雲端和內部部署版本。 不過,某些功能和程式是雲端或...
如果有兴趣使用 Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®),可以将 Azure Boards 项目配置为跟踪 SAFe® 可交付结果。 正如 Azure Boards 支持 Scrum 和敏捷做法一样,它也可以支持 SAFe® 和大量团队协作处理跨版本的长篇故事。本教程说明了以下 SAFe® 工件如何映射到特定 Azure Boards 工件。
Hoewel Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) op grote schaal wordt toegepast in ondernemingen met grote softwareontwikkelingsteams, hebben andere geschaalde agile frameworks in de loop van de tijd aan populariteit gewonnen. Alle frameworks voor het schalen van agile delen vijf hoofdcomponenten: ...
DPF (“UK Extension”), and (iii) the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (“Swiss-U.S. DPF”) (collectively, the “Data Privacy Framework”) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Scaled Agile has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that Scaled Agile adheres to...
Scaled Agile Framework® 基本SAFe® 项目组合 SAFe® 大型解决方案 SAFe® 显示另外 4 个 Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 许多企业受益于各个敏捷团队。 随着组织的发展,对扩展敏捷做法的兴趣越来越大。 企业查看许多敏捷团队和整个项目组合的进度的需求不断...
Scaled Agile Framework® 基本SAFe® 项目组合 SAFe® 大型解决方案 SAFe® 显示另外 4 个 Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019 许多企业受益于各个敏捷团队。 随着组织的发展,对扩展敏捷做法的兴趣越来越大。 企业查看许多敏捷团队和整个项目组合的进度的需求不断...