Scaled Agile Framework or SAFe is the most established and well-documented approach for implementing Agile at the enterprise level. SAFe® for Lean Enterprises is a knowledge base of proven, integrated principles, practices, and competencies for Lean, Agile, and DevOps. Growth...
The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) serves enterprise businesses across a range of industries: from financial services, telecommunications, and aerospace to education, automotive, and healthcare. Scaled Agile customers apply SAFe in a variety of industries to drive speed, productivity, and innovat...
The Scaled Agile Framework is supported by the SAFe® Studio platform and Scaled Agile’s dedicated Customer Success Team. To ensure success for teams and the enterprise, an extensive network of 500+ Scaled Agile Partners provide strategic advisory services, implementation support, training, coaching...
从这里开启业务敏捷 全球20,000家企业的8000,000专业人士都在采用 Scaled Agile Framework®(SAFe®) SAFe是什么? 学习有关业务敏捷的知识 查找SAFe培训 加入SAFe 社区 当你成为SAFe社区的一员时,你就加入了一个由80万专业人士组成的团队,大家共同创造更好的产品,创造更多的协作工作场所,并推进自己的职业生涯往...
Log in to continue reading Access the full article, SAFe tools, videos and a vibrant community of certified professionals dedicated to business agility and practicing SAFe. Login Other ways to access -Learn More © 2025 Scaled Agile, Inc. ...
Scaled Agile Framework: Team Foundation Server を使用した,エピッ ク,リリース トレイン,および複数のバック ログのサポート Scaled Agile Framework Team Foundation Server を使用した,エピック, リリース トレイン,および複数のバックログのサポート 発行 2014 年 12 月 Microsoft このドキュ...
Provider of SAFe® - Adopt the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) used by 1,000,000 people in 20,000 organizations.
Scaled Agile Framework®(SAF®)是一套组织和工作流程模式,用于在企业规模上实施敏捷实践。该框架是一种知识体系,包括关于角色和责任、如何规划和管理工作以及要坚持的价值观的结构化指导。 SAFe 促进大量敏捷团队之间的一致性、协作和交付。SAFe 围绕三个主要知识体组成:敏捷软件开发、精益产品开发和系统思维。
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 方法是一个行业标准框架,可帮助组织敏捷扩展和精益生产,从而达到企业级别。 使用此模板来建立程序级别和团队级别工具环境,以用于基础 SAFe 5.0 配置。 迭代 此模板采用敏捷发布组合 (ART),用于交付常规计划增量中的功能。 每个计划增量包含 5 个开发段...
In addressing this dilemma, Kotter points out, "The solution is not to trash what we know and start over but instead to reintroduce a more agile, network-like structure"that operates in concert with the hierarchy to create what he calls a 'dual operating system.' This system, illustrated in...