[error] (compile:compile) sbt.InvalidScalaInstance: Scala instance doesn't exist or is invalid: [error] version 2.10.2, library jar: /Users/xeno_by/.sbt/0.13.0/boot/scala-2.10.2/lib/scala-library.jar, compiler jar: /Users/xeno_by/.sbt/0.13.0/boot/scala-2.10.2/lib/scala-compiler.ja...
However, in practice they will typically exist in objects and act on data from the object, so a more appropriate term for them will often be “methods.” A method is a function defined in a class and available from any instance of the class. The standard way to invoke methods in Scala...
The other bottom type is Null, a subtype of all AnyRef types that exists to provide a type for the keyword null. A String variable, for example, can be assigned null at any time, such that the variable does not point to any string instance in memory. This assignment of null to a var...
Furthermore, the names of the tags (e.g. "html") and attributes (e.g. "href") are themselves validated: passing in an invalid name to either of those (e.g. a tag or attribute name with a space inside) will throw an IllegalArgumentException)....
package mass.job.route.api.v1 import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import mass.job.SchedulerTestkit import mass.message.job.JobPageResp class JobRouteTest extends SchedulerTestkit { private lazy val route = application.instance[JobRoute].route "JobRoute" should { "page" in { import ja...
Indicates where code using Set() could be replaced with Set.empty. Set() instantiates a new instance each time it is invoked, whereas Set.empty returns a pre-instantiated instance. UnnecessaryReturnUse Checks for use of return in a function or method. Since the final expression of a block ...
doesn't exist!") } val s = sink.trim.toLowerCase() if (s.isEmpty) { throw new ConfigException(s"Invalid $SCHEMA_CONFIG. The topic is not valid for entry containing $path") } s -> new AvroSchema.Parser().parse(file) case other => throw new ConfigException(s"$SCHEMA_CONFIG is ...
If you are trying to represent a value that may-or-may-not exist, whether are a function argument or as a class attribute to override: classFoo{valname:String=null// override this with something useful if you want} Consider using anOption[T]instead: ...
Indicates where code using Set() could be replaced with Set.empty. Set() instantiates a new instance each time it is invoked, whereas Set.empty returns a pre-instantiated instance. Checks for use of return in a function or method. Since the final expression of a block is always the return...
Checks for invalid regex literals that would fail at compile time. Either dangling metacharacters, or unclosed escape characters, etc that kind of thing. List size Checks for .size on an instance of List. Eg,val a = List(1,2,3); a.size ...